La Roche-Maurice’s new entertainment district opened with great fanfare – La Roche-Maurice

La Roche-Maurice’s new entertainment district opened with great fanfare – La Roche-Maurice

“This equipment has fulfilled real expectations. We have included it in our state project. However, there is no doubt in doing this project alone: ​​we have consulted the relevant associations, baby sitters, RPE, teachers, parents of students, but not only! At this point we were We miss the kids, hence the idea for the drawing competition organized in December that allowed about sixty children to participate in the construction of this project!The Mayor of La Roche-Maurice, Linnick Blandin, confirmed in front of the city’s new entertainment district, which opened just over a year after the team’s installation The new municipality.

Several families with their children were present, elected officials including Patrick Leclerc, Mayor of Landernau and mayor of the commune, and Stéphane Hervoir, Mayor of Benkrane, not to mention the colorful members of the city of Brest “FanfarNaum” and artists of the company Make Your Dreams come true.

Share the kids

“It’s a symbolic party,” said Serge Millet, Assistant for Children and School Affairs, as he invited four children from the Pontoise School to attend and cut the blue and white ribbons with scissors. , In red color.

symbolic party
A symbolic ceremony to which the children were invited.

The party took place from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in front of Roch Morvan’s room and around a besieged playground for children from various municipalities, running behind soap bubbles in the wads of “Anime your Dreams,” while “FanfarNaum” brought color to the town square, with thirty minutes of The music that enlivened the balconies of Kastel Roch and the Auberge du Vieux Château.

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News from La Roche-Maurice

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