Kramer says the “Easter Rise” could mean an upside in these retail stocks

Kramer says the “Easter Rise” could mean an upside in these retail stocks

CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday breached the seasonal trading pattern in retail stocks that he believes investors should be aware of.

The “Mad moneyThe host reviewed a stock analysis by acclaimed technician Larry Williams, who took prior trades into consideration to chart the stocks method. CostcoAnd the AmazonAnd the Walmart And the Shopify It can move during the early days of spring.

“If history is evidence, then Williams is betting that the high tide in April will be able to lift all retail ships,” Kramer said.

Every stock is down during the year except for Shopify, which trades 2% higher. Costco is down 10 percent so far this year, after rising 28 percent in 2020.

These retail-oriented stocks are in a position to rally, if only in the near term, Williams says. Kramer called it the “Easter March”, and I named it after our two-week holiday.

“I think that this step may have already started,” he said.

After reviewing his chart analysis from Williams, Kramer noticed how the retail group tended to rise in the days leading up to or after the Easter holidays. However, he has stopped recommending how market participants trade at the moment and take profit.

“If you’re concerned about rotation, you might want to use the pool at primary retailers to knock the record over,” Kramer said. “As much as I love these companies in the long term and do not want to trade them, I cannot blame anyone for making profits.”

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Disclosure: Cramer Philanthropy Fund owns stakes in Walmart, Costco, and Amazon.


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