Koenigsbrunn: A man from Koenigsbrunn with many talents takes off his hat

Koenigsbrunn: A man from Koenigsbrunn with many talents takes off his hat

After 43 years of service in Königsbrunn, Roland Krätschmer retires and remembers trips to distant countries, captured reptiles, and SEK missions.

Roland Krätschmer is located in Konigsbrunn employment. The distinctive hat and former fire truck with a zebra on it make the Chief of the Public Order Office visually evident. The native Franconian is also active in a variety of roles: as organizer of the Gautsch, Königsmarkt, and elections as well as as a traveler, balloon rider, animal hunter, painter, and head of a small aid organization. After 43 years in Koenigsbrunn, he will retire at the end of September.

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