Jungle Hunters rely on science

Jungle Hunters rely on science

Kevin Le Rest, a researcher at the French Office for Biological Diversity (OFB), spoke about the influence of weather conditions on the onset of migration of prenuptial migratory birds. Jean-Louis Cazenave, an expert in observing wooden boxes equipped with Argos signals, has always fascinated his audience with his feedback technique, explaining in particular that “birds from Asia travel more than 6,000 km”.

Dealing with attacks

The Federation of National Societies of the Western Palearctic Woodcocks (FANBPO) with its Swiss, Italian, Spanish, Irish and French representatives has indicated the need to coordinate the efforts of each member, thanks to a network of data collection that aims to bring strength of proposals to national and international authorities at the European level. This is scientific support regarding hunting ethics.

Jan Delig and members of the ACCA Bureau received exquisite woodcut carvings.
Jan Delig and members of the ACCA Bureau received exquisite woodcut carvings.

Christopher Blanchard

A topic around which Bruno Meunier, president of CNB, returned in his speech by calling for “unity”, because “in a sly way, migratory birds are in plain sight”. Bruno called on Meunier to “build an argument in the face of the many attacks on the hunting world”. To counter their opponents, CNB members have more than thirty years of work with the National Hunting and Wildlife Bureau and then OFB.

Unless he fails to welcome Henri Sappharot, president of the provincial federation of hunters in the Gironde, by insisting on “all the value of these studies”.

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