John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics

John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics

Source: press release from Clientl

. Translated from English by the editor.

Clientl It is an independent institution founded in 2019 by Dutch Professor Emeritus of Geophysics Joss Berchot and science journalist Marcel Kroek. Benoît Raitaud, president of the Association of Climate Realists, is the French ambassador. John F. Clauser, award winner Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 For his work in quantum mechanics, he decided to sign on Global Climate Declaration to


Its central message is: “There is no climate emergency”. and John F. He is the second Nobel laureate to sign the Declaration, after Dr. Ivar Giaver. The number of scientists and experts who have signed the Global Climate Declaration is growing rapidly and is now close to 1,600.The climate change narrative reflects a serious corruption of science John F. Clauser has publicly distanced himself from climate concerns and also joined the OC board this year2 coalition. In a press release from CO

2 Alliance, John F. Clauser said:The climate change narrative reflects the dangerous corruption of science that threatens the global economy and the well-being of billions of people. Misleading climate science

“It has spread to a juggernaut of pseudoscience – tabloid journalism

In turn, pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide range of other climate-related ills. It has been promoted and developed by marketers, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmental scientists who are also wrong. “In my opinion, there really is no climate crisis,” he added. However, there is a very real problem of ensuring a decent standard of living for the world’s population and addressing the energy crisis associated with it.This last phenomenon is unnecessarily exacerbated by this climate science, which in my opinion is incorrect. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change publishes incorrect information In July, John F. Clauser

gave a lecture At the Quantum Korea 2023 event. He warned the public about the growing influx of pseudoscience and misinformation. And I’m not alone in noting the dangerous spread of this pseudoscience. Recently, the Nobel Foundation set up a new committee to address this issue, calledIPIE( […]International Panel on the Information Environment […] ). They plan to take inspiration from the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Personally, I think they are making a grave mistake here, because in my opinion the IPCC is one of the most dangerous sources of misinformation, even if what I am about to recommend is in line with the objectives of this panel. […] . I recently discovered a second important topic related to climate. I think there is no climate crisis.

Beware: If you practice good science, it can lead you to be politically incorrect. I have so many examples that I won’t have time to elaborate on them, but I can say with certainty that there is no real climate crisis and that climate change does not cause extreme weather events. like ClientlHe proves this in his latest book Frozen Climate Perspectives of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has, in fact, committed itself Serious errorsin its latest report. Shortly after his speech in Korea, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)yy no void Conference planned by John F. Clauser on climate models. in interviewto

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afternoon times “We are completely immersed in pseudoscience,” John F. Clauser said of climate science. Make

Clientl A full counterpart to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeJos Berkhout, Professor Emeritus of Geophysics at TU Delft and Chair Clientlwelcomes Professor Clauser to the community

Clientl . It is very encouraging to see famous scientists like Dr. Clauser want to expose the blatant corruption of science by the Climate Foundation. Our goal is to make Clientl A full counterpart to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In addition to the network

Clientl The stronger our position will be in the debate with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as well as with the leaders of supranational political organizations. there Global Climate Declaration to ClientlIt was published in 2019, the year it was created Clientl . The strength of this statement lies in its strong and clear message:There is no climate crisis . This applies whether you believe in a large or small contribution of carbon dioxide 2Warming over the past 150 years. Scientists and experts wishing to sign the declaration can submit their request



A great way to learn more about Dr. Clauser’s life and work is to watch the video of this Nobel Prize interview:

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