Jean Dujardin shouts after criticism of the World Cup opening ceremony

Jean Dujardin shouts after criticism of the World Cup opening ceremony

The editorial team advises you

For some, this party was vulgar or “old France”, and it received many criticisms, such as that of the newspaper Libération, which published an editorial entitled ” Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony: Go Rance! “.

So, in the face of criticism, Jean Dujardin took up his (digital) pen to write a long blog post that he published on his Instagram account this Thursday. “I am astounded,” the actor begins, “I never thought that my participation in the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup would lead to such an outpouring of political and media commentary…” the actor begins.

Then he responds to the criticisms, including those from the newspaper Liberation: “La France Rance”? The opening ceremony is always the presentation to the rest of the world of the country in which the famous event is being held. We are also truly a country of beret, gastronomy, culture, education, and no offense to some….” He even adds a little historical reminder aimed at those who criticize the 1950s aspect of the ceremony: “‘Outdated’ France in the 1950s? It was precisely in 1954 that France celebrated its first victory over the New Zealanders!”.

The editorial team advises you

After others accused him of serving an imaginary image of France, which would serve a political agenda more than others, he justified himself by saying: “This concert should not have pitted us against each other, but rather it was supposed to bring us together. I am an artist, and I will not “I will be the standard bearer for any party. I will leave you to settle your affairs among yourselves.”

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In conclusion, Jean Dujardin insists on his basic desire to hold “a celebration of openness, sharing and joy” and ends his post with a message of encouragement sent to Antoine Dupont’s teammates.

Hat manufacturer Laulhère will at least be able to say that it has strong support with the famous actor. And the authentic aspect of their product is no longer up for debate.

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