James Webb unveils breathtaking new images of the galaxy

James Webb unveils breathtaking new images of the galaxy

Wasn’t the first series of JWST photos enough for you? Here are new luxurious shots of a pair of galaxies!

Nothing can stop the James Webb Space Telescope! The machine has only officially entered service at recent days, but it is already bombarding researchers with remarkably accurate scientific data. For the general public, it’s also a golden opportunity to enjoy a bunch of cool photos, and there are new items on the menu! After the most distant infrared image was taken, then Stefan’s Pentagram, the Carinae Nebula, and the Southern Ring Nebula (see Article – Commodity), astronomer Judy Schmidt presents a new series of stunning images today.

An interested party is a licensed galaxy hunter who has spent most of her career examining these cosmic structures. Over the years, it has created an extensive database by accumulating hundreds of hours of observation with some of the most efficient telescopes in the world. We also highly recommend browsing files Fantastic set of photos on his account flickr.

He’s usually the kind of specialist who’s been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the JWST. So I scrambled to book observation time with my new astronomer darling. Unsurprisingly, this $10 billion telescope has allowed it to produce breathtaking images.

Ghost Galaxy Uncovered

It reveals two spiral galaxies, both relatively close to the Milky Way. The first, officially called NGC 628 or Messier 74, became popularly known as the “Phantom Galaxy.” This nickname is credited to its relatively low brightness which makes it very difficult for amateurs to observe, despite the fact that it is relatively close to Earth (32 million light-years away).

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What motivates the audience to observe it is above all its presence separate arms that make up a Almost perfect spiral. For fans, it is an amazing sight that makes it one of the most attractive things in the universe. But for researchers, it is also a first-class scientific resource.

In fact, astronomers determined that these gas- and dust-rich supplements were also star nurseriesThe regions of the universe where stars are born at an insane rate.

The ins and outs of this process are still relatively unknown. So Messier 74 is a true open-air lab – and true to say – for it Study the life cycle of stars.

However, this cycle is an essential component of the dynamics of the universe. Astronomers are convinced that by studying it, they will be able to improve their understanding of the overall workings of our universe. And with his support for JWST, it’s probably only a matter of time before Messier 74 starts revealing his best-kept secret!

A wonderful cousin to the Milky Way

The other image that Schmidt revealed relates to NGC 7496, another galaxy located even closer, 24 million light-years away. Structurally, it is very different from NGC 628. Like our good old galaxy, the Milky Way, it is a spiral galaxy. In this case, the arms do not appear directly from the center of the spiral, but from a wide band of stars passing through it.

At first glance, the cliché may seem almost disappointing. It looks surprisingly faint compared to the gorgeous images already painted by Hubble. But for astronomers, this does not mean that there is nothing to see, far from it!

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NGC 7496 seen by Hubble in early 2022. © ESA/Hubble & NASA/J. Lee/PHANGS-HST/Judy Schmidt

As a reminder, the two devices operate on very different foundations. Hubble’s “eyes” are designed to capture both visible and ultraviolet light. On the other hand, JWST is designed for monitoring inInfrared. Thus these two images are practically complementary; The newcomer makes it possible to note the details that his venerable predecessor simply could not capture.

It is likely that this collaboration will breathe new life into the study of NGC 7496. Because if the images are good for this age Hopi It was a wonderful gift for the general public, as well as a source of frustration for astronomers. In fact, all these piles of gas and dust tend to Hide the most interesting partwhich is the central band of stars.

On the other hand, JWST has no problem ignoring this cloud. So he can directly observe at the heart of this structure. Once again, this is a huge star factory that researchers will be able to study from every angle.

Two more examples clearly show just how much James Webb has revolutionized astronomy… and we are still at the dawn of this great adventure that could last about twenty years. So we’ll give you a date when the next images arrive, which shouldn’t be long given the telescope’s current production rate!

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