It’s over, Microsoft has stopped developing games for the Xbox One |  Xbox One

It’s over, Microsoft has stopped developing games for the Xbox One | Xbox One

The Xbox One console hit the shelves as of November 2013 and thus will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. After a complex launch, the console still works fine, but no games will be released on it anymore.

The Xbox One cycle is officially over

When the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles were announced, Microsoft promised that we wouldn’t see exclusive games for the new hardware coming for another year or two. And the promise was kept as Xbox One was supported for about two more years.

But it’s over now. In an interview with Axios, Xbox Studios Director Matt Booty confirmed that the company is now focusing exclusively on the new generation of consoles. He said no in-house team is currently working on games for older generation consoles, beyond supporting ongoing games like Minecraft.

Matt Booty also took the opportunity to remind that current games only released on Xbox Series X | S and available on Xbox Game Pass can often be played in the cloud, and therefore on Xbox One in live streaming for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers.


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