Item level rewards in Dragonflight – World of Warcraft

Item level rewards in Dragonflight – World of Warcraft

As you progress in Dragonflight, you will gradually upgrade your gear. Once you reach level 70, you can aim to get the highest ilvl possible for your WoW character. To achieve this, you will have to choose between several activities. This page displays the reward item level when the Dragonflight expansion launches.

The first thing you have to do is complete the Dragonflight campaign. It allows you to unlock many activities. Also build your reputation towards Dragon Island ReputationThis will unlock new features and rewards.

Depending on what level of equipment you have at the start of Dragonflight, you’ll change things up more or less quickly. If you haven’t played Season 4 or Zereth Mortis in Shadowlands, you will replace your pieces of armor faster than if you had an average ilvl of 260 or 280. In the worst case, the majority of players would change their gear to level 68.

1. Shipments

To unlock the explorations in Dragonflight, you must complete the campaign and reach at least level 68. Depending on the difficulty of the expedition, the rewards will vary.

  • Regular missions and area missions: Ilvl 340 to 350
  • Elite Missions: ILVL 356 to 359

Note that sometimes the level can be higher, the page will refresh once this is confirmed. It is also possible to gradually restore groups.

2. Temporary (but recurring) events

There are several events in Dragonflight:

  1. Awakening Shore – Obsidian Castle and Dragonsbane Dungeon : you can here Pledge allegiance to Aerion or Sabelian To unlock new missions and rewards.
  2. Plains of Ohanahra and Teldrazsus – great catch : You must participate in the chase in 6 stages. Go to the location indicated on the map, talk to the NPC to start the event and follow the process.
  3. Azure Span – Tribal Feast : Connecting Iskaara’s direction to this event to Roharts.
  4. elemental storms : Repel the attacks of the elements in the Dragon Islands.
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TheLoyalty to Aerion and Sabilian It is done once for each reset. You can collect ilvl 372-376 items during your missions, but you can also increase your reputation and buy 2 items. The first will have an ilvl 376 (necklace) and the second to have an ilvl 389 (cloak).

The great chase Easy to understand. Look at the map and find the hunting horn. Go there and talk to the NPC to start the event. The goal is to complete 6 objectives that follow each other and can be different depending on the location of the event.

For example, the game might ask you to kill an elite, then kill several enemies in an area, then kill another elite, then another elite, then collect items from the ground and finish with a final elite kill. During battles, you can get items from elites (ilvl 340). Once the event ends, you will be rewarded with maruuk loot for the hunt which has many rewards:

  • Aesthetic appearance of the drake
  • Supplies from the Dragon Islands
  • Centaur Hunting Rewards to Increase Your Reputation
  • Items ILVL 372-376

The tribal feast Associated with Roharts. You have to take part in the soup event and help the chef prepare his recipe. This consists of following his advice to kill monsters, throw fish into the pot, etc. Again, you don’t always receive an item as a reward.

The elemental storms These are temporary events that occur in certain places in the Dragon Islands. You can redeem a coin that you can exchange for ilvl 359 to 385 equipment. But be careful, farming is long, and it is impossible to recover multiple 385 items quickly.

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3. Boss World and Elite Monsters

World leaders drop ilvl 389 items.

Rare mobs are less generous, expect item level to be around 350-356.

4. Help Covenant Quest Weekly

The weekly mission is presented by Therazal, the envoy of the Dragon Islands. The NPC is located in the central square of Valdrakken, the capital located in Thaldraszus.

Task goals may vary. Either you get 4000 reputation points with the main factions of the Dragon Islands, or 3000 points and validate a second target (Aerion and Sabelian, Maroc Hunt or Tribal Feast).

The rewards are many. In addition to 500 reputation points for the four main factions of the expansion, the mission also offers Valdrakken treasures and a supply cache from the Dragon Islands. The treasure chest can contain ilvl 372, game, 500 gold coins, 10x Primal Chaos (crafting ingredient), and supplies from Dragon Isles. It derives from the list of rewards, so the contents may vary depending on how lucky you are.

5. Dungeons

Dungeons drop items whose level depends on difficulty:

  • Regular resources: 346
  • Heroic: 359
  • Legendary: 372

Note that the NPCs present you with quests for dungeons. These reward you with ilvl 346 items and several hundred reputation points.

6. Reputation

Great Reputation (Valdrakken, Iskaarian Rohart, Maruuk Centaurs and Dracaret Expedition) allows you to purchase an ilvl 389 item when you reach the appropriate level of fame (Reputation 22/25 for an Iskaarian Rohart for example).

7. Professions

Occupations are an important part of Dragonflight. You can craft equipments ranging from level 316 to 418. The higher the level, the more resources the recipes will take and the longer they will take to achieve. But nonetheless, it is still worth noting.

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You will not be able to fully equip yourself with your own craft, you will have to follow orders or an auction house if you need several parts made. In addition, high-level recipes require a special ingredient, which is the spark of creativity. This component can be accessed exclusively through the Valdrakken Innovation Engine. You need to unlock it by doing a series of quests at level 70. After that, spark can only be accessed in limited quantities each week, so don’t expect to craft a lot of ilvl 418 items for long.

8. Incarnation Vault Raid

The level of the object necessarily depends on the level depends on the difficulty. Note that the maximum item level is only reached by very few items.

  • Raid finder: 376 to 392
  • Normal: 389 to 405
  • Heroic: 402 to 418
  • Legendary: 415 to 430

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