Italy: Without transportation, two young men simulate the discomfort of traveling for free by ambulance

Italy: Without transportation, two young men simulate the discomfort of traveling for free by ambulance

Two young Italians filmed themselves on TikTok bragging about their con: simulating the upset to be driven free by ambulance. Thanks to the video, the young men were identified by the gendarmerie in Riccione. They are being tried for “interruption of public service” and “false alarm”.

One of the two young men confessed after being recognized by the gendarmes, saying: “I am an idiot, I should not have done that.” What are the alleged facts? On Sunday, July 9, two young Italians, without transportation, simulated the discomfort of an ambulance to their destination. The two champions filmed and broadcast their imposter on the social network TikTok.

In one day, the hoax went viral with over 50,000 views. The caption accompanying the photos reads, “When you’re in the countryside and there’s no public transportation,” leaving no doubt as to the nature of her motives. Accordingly, they contact the emergency services and assure them that one of them passed out due to heatstroke, and he laughs at the situation.

All their simulated adventures, from calling for help to their journey in the ambulance, to the coastal town of Riccione in Emilia-Romagna (Northeast) are all filmed.

Once in the emergency room, the two young men left the facility after a few minutes, according to ANSA. At the age of 19 and 20, they were finally recognized thanks to their video by the gendarmes of Riccione. The Health Agency of Emilia-Romagna lodged a complaint. Thus the Italians were prosecuted for “disruption of public service” and “false alarm”.

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