“It would really look like this,” former Rockstar developer clears doubts about GTA 6 graphics

“It would really look like this,” former Rockstar developer clears doubts about GTA 6 graphics

Game news “It would really look like this,” former Rockstar developer clears doubts about GTA 6 graphics

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With less than two minutes of trailer, the first images of GTA 6 raise as many questions as they provide answers. Among them, we can find the fear of lowering the level of drawing. According to a former Rockstar developer, the final game will be as good as we saw in the trailer.

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Eye-catching trailer

On the night of Monday, December 4th to Tuesday, December 5th, Rockstar decided to unleash the beast by revealing the first official trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI. Although it was usually scheduled to be revealed after 15 hours, that did not stop it from generating huge hype about the future title that will be released in 2025. With around 100 million views in 24 hours, the GTA trailer did not outperform 6n on the world record in all categories but still made it to the podium, and suffice it to say the excitement surrounding this sequel isn’t about to stop.

"It will really look like this"a former Rockstar developer dispels doubts about GTA 6's graphics

Among the things that fans particularly remembered from these new images, we note that the game looks particularly great. Whether in terms of lighting effects, texture, or even the density and diversity of the audience, Everything indicates that Grand Theft Auto VI will definitely be one of the most beautiful games we can imagine in our time. Of course, this is just the first trailer at the moment, and some fans are already concerned about experiencing a graphical downgrade in time for release.

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Gamers are used to hearing the same song: at the time of the announcement, the game was very beautiful, but with the console in hand, it becomes a completely different story. I must say that examples of this unfortunate problem are many, so much so that today it has become the norm to pull out a few tweezers when a trailer catches our eye. Given the beauty of the first images of GTA 6, suffice it to say that many players are already starting to fear downgrading the graphics. Although, According to a former Rockstar developer, the game will look as we saw in the trailer:

I’m really impressed with the graphics performance this version showed off from the in-game trailer. Often times we can see advertisements being made over cinematic scenes, and this is not the case here. When you play the game, it will actually look like this.

"It will really look like this"a former Rockstar developer dispels doubts about GTA 6's graphics

Developer Mike York He shared this opinion on his own YouTube channel While he was filming A Reaction video to the GTA 6 trailer. regular at home, He has already worked on Grand Theft Auto V as well as Red Dead Redemption 2, two games that had already achieved the feat of pushing graphics to another level by the time of their release. According to him, Rockstar has a habit of “Push your consoles and hardware to their limits with an incredible level of detail“.

I must say that Rockstar has already accustomed us to releasing trailers taken directly from the game engine. If you visit the trailers of GTA 5 or Red Dead Redemption 2, remember that the images used are often displayed in the graphisms of the day if certain scenes do not display the images of the lumières or images. ‘background. So, everything indicates that GTA 6 will be as beautiful as what the trailer promised us. Answer when the game will be released in 2025.

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About GTA 6

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