It is possible to remove the Google Assistant from the Nest Mini to replace it with ChatGPT

It is possible to remove the Google Assistant from the Nest Mini to replace it with ChatGPT

An AI hacker has managed to replace the Google Assistant on his Nest Mini speaker. It was able to use GPT-3.5 instead, the language model behind ChatGPT.

Language models may revolutionize voice assistants. For several years, the latter have not been considered truly intelligent: more often than not, they have no answers to our questions. This is much lower than sample languages, such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat, or Google Bard. That’s why an AI expert named Justin Alvey was able to replace the Google Assistant in his Nest Mini smart speaker with GPT-3.5, like He said it on Twitter.

The Nest Mini wasn’t really like that. Hacked but it has been completely modified

Justin Alvey says he thought of that first Jailbreak Google speaker, like the iPhone, to use the system of his choice. Very quickly, I turned to a complete circuit board replacement. According to him, this makes it possible to use a two-dollar Wi-Fi chip that is very powerful and easy to configure.

Circuit board used to replace Nest Mini board // Source: Justin Alvey on Twitter

The idea is to offload sound detection and use the language model of a home computer, since some computing power is required for this. This electronics enthusiast was also able to configure the LEDs and touch buttons for use using a small Arduino board.

Google Assistant is basically ChatGPT and text-to-speech

For text generation, Justin Alvey chose GPT-3.5 and its API, mainly for its responsiveness. As for the interaction between OpenAI’s servers and his computer, he uses an API. He also managed to connect Beeper, a messaging service to connect all of his instant messaging applications. In the custom query he formulates each time for the AI ​​condition, he added the details, “ Such as family, friends, today’s date, notification preferences, and a voice list of additional characters that GPT can use to respond. »

source : Justin Alvey on Twitter

As for sound generation, it uses the EvenLabs model. At the moment, the project is not developed by Justin Alvey, but the latter has announced that he is working on making his project available to everyone, in open source. This will include PCB design, build instructions, bot and server source code. In addition to using the Nest Mini, its system also allows you to create your own voice assistant.

What are the advantages of Google Assistant?

This voice assistant local It allows you to read your messages, among other things. In fact, thanks to the Beeper service, you can connect all your mailboxes. This allows Justin Alfie to ask the speaker if he has received any new messages. If so, the attachment can tell who sent him a message and for what service, indicating the context of its content.

GPT-3.5 can re-read previous messages by searching for and sending threads. The system also allows you to manage your appointments, and jot down ideas at any time, simply by voice.

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Google nest mini 2 2019 frandroid

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