Infinity Cosmic Polar in Baikonur

Infinity Cosmic Polar in Baikonur

In their unusual miniseries finally hitting Canal +, partners Stéphane Pannetier and Julien Vanlerenberghe masterfully combine science fiction and mysticism. capturing.

They took twelve years to conquer space… TV drama. This week, Stéphane Panettiere and Julian Vanlerenberg completed a long journey with their mini-series Infiniti A captivating “cosmic” thriller, which attempts to unravel the mystery of life through the story of a mission to rescue a crew of cosmonauts in distress, millions of kilometers above the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. A massive production, but above all, the most special work of a group of creators who have been drawn to the galaxy of French television for more than a decade. whose first project finally made it to Canal +.

OriginallyInfiniti A strong artistic complicity arose on the benches of the European Institute of Audio-Visual Writing, where they met in 2010. Stéphane Panettiere is a mathematics teacher in literary retraining. Julian Vanlerenberg, for his part, has pursued almost all careers on film sets, from Rillette sandwich dispenser camera assistant. Between them, the alchemy is instant. “It is rare that two writings complement each other so much. We really have two styles that are compatible,” Stephane Panettiere summarizes.

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