In top shape: How do I get back to training?

In top shape: How do I get back to training?

The goal here, too: Three times a week. This is very ambitious at first, you have to incorporate it into your daily schedule. We are happy when people find the time to do this twice a week. It is best to make appointments with yourself and enter them in the calendar. About: Monday 4 pm. Accelerometer training. In the beginning, as with running, you should plan for 20 to 30 minutes and train with moderate strength.

How can I estimate this?

I would recommend a watch that can measure your heart rate. Now they are very cheap. Fitness trackers and other devices can also detect your pulse. People who exercise regularly often use these regimens to a lesser extent. You often have a sense of the range your heart rate is moving in. But the less you know about your body, the more important it is to have something to direct yourself to.

How high is your heart rate if you exercise in moderation?

We have to do some math. First of all we should roughly estimate the maximum heart rate, unless specified in the stress test. You can do this with the formula 208 – (0.7 x age) Do, or something simpler with the formula 220 – Age. The easy training range is between 57 to 63 percent, and the moderate range is between 64 and 76 percent of your maximum heart rate. These areas will initially appear less dense.

What is the difference between pulse and heart rate?

Heart rate refers to the number of heart beats in one minute. With each heartbeat, blood pressure is pressed against the artery walls – this can be felt as a pulse on the wrist or the carotid artery. Usually the pulse corresponds to the heart rate. But sometimes there is also a weak heartbeat that does not generate a pressure wave in the arteries. Thus, the pulse can be lower than the heart rate, especially in people with an irregular heartbeat. Then experts also talk about a deficit in the pulse.

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Can anyone apply these formulas to themselves?

If you are taking medication that affects your heart rate, this is not possible. Then the specialist must mark the areas with a stress test. You can then input it into the heart rate clock and set the alarm up and down. This is how you make sure you are moving into the correct range of intensity. If you are not compatible with this system, then you can use the so-called Scala Tower use. It is based on individual feelings of stress and ranges from 6 to 20, ie from “very very mild” to “more is not possible”. The easy training range is 9 to 11, moderate training range is 12 to 13.

Are these values ​​also related to heart rate?

Yes, but only in healthy young adults or when the resting heart rate is around 60 and the maximum heart rate is around 200 beats per minute. Then the following applies: If you multiply the value from the Borg scale by a factor of 10, you will get the corresponding heart rate.

“Less is more. We often lose our patience a lot.”

Ultimately, is it about monitoring your heart rate and staying within the mentioned ranges?

Yes, I would recommend that. It’s kind of math, but you quickly get used to it. The bike tachometer often has a pulse or heart rate monitor built into the handles, or there is an earlobe clip. Then you can adjust the wattage on the potentiometer so that the heart rate remains in the correct range. To start with, you can do 2 light units and 1 medium unit per week. Next week you flip it over and you feel in you: What was good for me?

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Then do you have to get better over time?

Yes, you can do that – not too quickly. The muscles adapt very quickly, and the tendons adapt slowly. Adaptation takes time. It is often the case that less is more. Often we are very impatient. You can also skip a session and use the time to rejuvenate if your body puts the right signs on. It is very important that you listen carefully to yourself, because the injury is a major re-training. If you have to torment yourself for training, you should check whether the intensity and range of units are too high. If it’s too easy for you, you can slowly increase your training range and intensity. We need to learn to be smart with our bodies and minds – not just in the training process.

When can the first successes be expected?

Let’s take a healthy bunny who trains for 30 minutes three times a week on the accelerometer. If he does this for six weeks, he is already making remarkable corresponding adjustments in everyday life. For example, he is less likely to pass out of breath.

Six weeks is long time. Don’t you notice anything beforehand – except maybe muscle pain?

Yes Yes. With continuous training, you should feel something after three to four weeks. However, if a lot of muscle soreness occurred, the training control was not correct, because the effects of training occur even without severe muscle pain. This is more of a drawback as it interferes with the next training session.

How can muscle pain be avoided? How much should athletes drink? Biochemist Annika Röcker addresses these and other questions in her “In top form” column. With experts in sports medicine, you discuss what happens in the body during exercise and what healthy training looks like.

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