In this town near Burnik, a health center will soon be established

In this town near Burnik, a health center will soon be established

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During the residents' wishing ceremony held on Saturday, January 13, 2024, Jack Pryorthe mayor of La Bernerie-en-Retz (Loire-Atlantique), near Pornic, spoke of the work that will see the light of day in 2024, but also addressed in a global way some of the more tangential issues.

Among the works that will start in 2024, we can include those related to a courtyardRene Jay Cadeau School Which no longer matches children's expectations or staff needs.

This redevelopment, which has three objectives: reducing the waterproofing of the courtyard, revegetating, but also creating differentiated spaces that particularly allow for the organization of outdoor class, will begin during the spring break and end during the fall break.

Health: expected delivery in 2025

The end of the first quarter of 2024 will also see the start of construction work on the projectHealth area In the current mobile home area.

Justified by the increase in the population of Bernier, throughout the year and during the summer period, this equipment depends on the need for Five doctors It is scheduled to be delivered in the second half of 2025.

replacing Decoratingwith an estimated amount of more than one million euros, can be achieved thanks to state aid representing 80% of the expected amount.

Dismantling and construction of the new deck, the construction of which will be modified to achieve better work sustainability, will begin in October and will be completed in early spring 2025.

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Football field relocation

Another highly anticipated achievement: transmitting current Football field At the Grands Prés Sports Centre.

Development work is scheduled to begin in September 2024, with a “realistic” goal of making the new equipment available for the 2025 season.

After an energy audit showed significant heat loss, a study will be carried out and work will begin within the year, while “preserving the spirit of Movie theater »: Insulating walls and floors, replacing openings, implementing VMC, improving lighting sources and heating system.

Acquisitions in the city

During his speech, Jack Pryor also referred to general issues that the municipality cannot ignore. Especially regarding Control the landis essential for the small town of La Bernerie where development can no longer be carried out in urban expansion.

“If we want to leave future generations with the means to work towards meeting the needs of tomorrow, it is important that the municipality has sufficient land resources,” the Chief Justice explained.

Two strategic acquisitions in the heart of the city have been initiated in 2023 (the Dr. Lacroix medical building and the former private school). It is planned to do the same with the butcher shop and the apartment next door.

Solidarity with oyster farmers

Jack Pryor did not fail to point out the strong operational loss incurred by oyster farmers in the region when they were unable to sell their oysters over the end-of-year holidays, and even Monday 15 January. “Let us show them our support by continuing to trust them and consume as soon as the oyster growing area reopens the oysters that we did not consume during the year-end holidays,” the mayor suggested, calling on the public to pay tribute to these economic players. In the municipality.

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sustainable development

In terms of sustainable development, and in the face of climate change, the municipality now integrates in all its projects, in cooperation with Pornic agglo Pays de Retz, measures to improve management, especially rainwater infiltration.

Regardless of the work of revitalizing the school, this is or will be the case Carpool parking Which will soon be put into operation near the fire station, and the relief vehicle park on René-Gé Cadeau Street, on which work is scheduled to begin at the end of 2024 for delivery at the beginning of the 2025 season, the construction of ravines, and the reconstruction of Port Royal Creek.

Those who are managed are called upon themselves to work in this direction by reducing as much as possibleWater leak Their property.

The diagnosis of the city's tree heritage, carried out recently, will encourage the planting of species adapted to global warming, which will contribute to the fight against global warming. Heat islands.

Seventeen working papers will also be prepared as part of the 2030 Agenda, which is currently being finalized.

In the chapter “Civility and Solidarity,” the mayor noted that he himself had witnessed repeated attacks on him Car driving rules On roads classified as “chaucidou” which aim to secure the movement of cyclists.

Jack Pryor wanted to remind people of these traffic rules and call on residents to respect them.

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