In the garden of Doctor Jean-Claude Amisen

In the garden of Doctor Jean-Claude Amisen

For several years we have had the opportunity to climb on the shoulders of Jean-Claude Amisin’s spacious, generous and Darwinian “French interior”.

Doctor, researcher and professor of immunology, chaired National Ethics Advisory Committee.

Our man loves to combine art and science, passion and reason. But we have been living this radical separation since the end of the nineteenth century, between the sciences, the arts, and humanity. Big mistake in feeling things.

A man inhabited by science, complex knowledge and the arts, he loves that mysteries give meaning to life.

Denis Chissot and doctor Jean-Claude Amisen at home, in his garden
Denis Chissot and doctor Jean-Claude Amisen at home, in his garden

© Radio France -Denis Chisso

For three and a half years he has not spoken to the media.

He takes a step back with his wife Fabienne, in their garden in Essonne, not far from the Chevreuse Valley.

There was sun, wind, a theme park in the making, two dogs, birds, bees and very few cars that day. No problem, his gardening world is a world.

He opens up his web to us, and it is wondrous, like a childhood story filled with many “once upon a time” that inform the stories of Jean-Claude Amisen.

For more

On Darwin’s shoulders – the ticking of time, Written by Jean-Claude Amisen (editions of links that edit / France Inter)

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On Darwin’s Shoulders – Finding the DawnWritten by Jean-Claude Amisen (Editions of links that edit / Inter France)

Songs mixed between earth and humanityWritten by Jean-Claude Amisen (Editions de l’Aube)

Music programming

  • Small kingdoms – slaughterer
  • Redwoods – apple

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