In Scotland, the legacy of witches is more important than ever

In Scotland, the legacy of witches is more important than ever

Recharging batteries in nature, caring for plants: A few centuries ago, this would have led to accusations of witchcraft. While Scotland is highlighting the memory of those who have died, the country also wants to honor the spirit of their practices, at a time when well-being and environmental protection are key concerns.

From our correspondent in Scotland,

Saturday morning in East New York, the coastal region north of Edinburgh, looks like many other places for Jason Biles. Under the cold October sun, he put on his big boots to collect seaweed from the North Sea. They are brown, red, or green in color, and are used in many different ways, both for cooking and for healing. This is what this New Zealander, who arrived in Scotland a decade ago, explains to the curious who take part in the seaweed induction workshops he organizes with his company, East Nyuk Seaweed. ” Previously, most of the participants mainly wanted to enrich their vegetarian or vegan cuisine, or were very adventurous people, even a little crazy. Today, I have people from all walks of life, who just want to feel close to nature, see what it can bring us, and live a little differently. »

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