In Quimper, an introductory journey into democratic space with Cicodes – Quimper

In Quimper, an introductory journey into democratic space with Cicodes – Quimper

There will be a Chinese, African and French delegation. Each of them has their own interests, they will discuss measures that should be adopted to improve air quality. The goal is to lead, within two and a half hours, to consensual and enforcement measures,” asks Amandine Tothwaite, facilitator at symbols, to explain the scenario of a role-playing game in which the seniors at Sainte-Thérèse High School indulged themselves from Monday through the weekend. “It’s about getting involved in negotiations like the UN’s to understand the role of international institutions and questioning the ability of citizens to act.”

Bicycle is a role-playing game scene that leads high school students to experience democratic functioning and decision-making mechanisms.
Bicycle is a role-playing game scene that leads high school students to experience democratic functioning and decision-making mechanisms. (The Telegram / Olivier Scaglia)

Expose, discuss and argue

With the complicity of Act’Odd, KuriOz and the French Development Agency, the Cicodes team erected a 50-square-meter (inflatable) semi-bike in the courtyard of the private enterprise. The four classes of about thirty final year students will take their places respectively in the stands and at the desk to present, discuss and discuss, also using digital devices. “The idea, of course, is to establish a connection with existing institutions,” comments Monique Marianajam, President of Cicodes.

Cicodes de Quimper team (left to right): Amandine Duthoit, facilitator;  Gwenel Jeffroy, Civil Service;  Monique Marianajam, Chair and Amandine Saliou, Moderator.
Cicodes de Quimper team (left to right): Amandine Duthoit, facilitator; Gwenel Jeffroy, Civil Service; Monique Marianajam, Chair and Amandine Saliou, Moderator. (The Telegram / Olivier Scaglia)


Codes, phone. 02 98 95 87 40; E-mail. [email protected], website:

in eulogy

By the way, what are Cicodes??

What is it ?

Founded in 1983, Cicodes is a Quimper Association whose mission is to help discover, understand and work for a more just and united world. At the start of the 2022-23 school year, it employs four people, including one for eight months as part of the civil service. It operates with an annual budget of around €90,000, funded by the state, city and administration.

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used to?

The goal of Cicodes is to make all audiences aware of the economic, environmental and societal challenges of the Northern Hemisphere as well as the Southern Hemisphere. This approach is part of the logic of popular education.

How it works ?

Cicodes offers educational procedures for all ages and upon request, for example by schools. The association also offers short substantive training courses. It also maintains a Documentary Resource Center that provides various educational tools for professionals from associations or institutional contacts.

where ?

Cicodes is located at 4 rue Créac’h-Gwen on the ground floor of one of the Delta Center buildings. After the buildings were damaged by severe water damage in May, the association was temporarily set up on the grounds of the Maison des Association in Braden. Such as. 02 98 95 87 40.

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