In patch 10.2, you will easily find more than 440 items from ilvl – World of Warcraft

If you missed the latest Dragonflight patches or need to equip your alternate gear, know that you can easily do so with WoW patch 10.2. In fact, many quests will offer you items from level 441 (Veteran 1/8), which is very interesting if you haven’t had the opportunity to play Mythic+ or Aberrus.

In general, if your average item level is less than 420/430, you will receive upgrades very quickly.

there countryside Guardians of the Dream offers fairly limited equipment, with 421 at most. If you play WoW regularly, you’re unlikely to like these items. Many open world drops are also present in this level. While we’re on the subject of “low-level” items, Blizzard has confirmed that items will level up in several activities, including Expeditions. However, I don’t have any data to provide you at the moment, as PTR is very poor in information in this aspect.

If you make Heroic dungeons are randomSeason 3 will offer you a slightly higher item level (ILVL 428).

the Weekly tasks They are more interesting because they will offer bonuses ranging from 441 to 447, knowing that you can of course improve them several times (these are veteran type items). the World Boss Orostor Drops items ilvl 454 (Hero 1/8).

If you like Crafter Equipment, or purchase it from other players, the crafting process allows you to craft equipment of a more than suitable level:

  • Whale’s Dream Armor: 431 to 444
  • Spark of Dreams: from 447 to 460
  • Wyrm Dream Armor: Level 460 to 473
  • Dream Armor from the Side: Level 470 to 483
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Next, we find the raid items Medrasil :

  • Raid item: ilvl 441 to 450 (457 for rare Fyrakka gems)
  • Normal: 454 to 463 (470 but don’t dream too much)
  • Heroic: From 467 to 476 (483 I advise you to light candles in 666 churches to increase your chances)
  • Legendary: from 480 to 489 (496 and there you can seriously show off)

the Mythical+ It necessarily depends on which key you have access to. You can find key bonuses from +2 to +20. They range from 441 to 470 for the end of the dungeon chest and from 454 to 483 for the large vault.

We will also point out faction Dream keepers Which allows you to purchase ilvl items 441 (Reown 7) and 454 (Reown 14). However, it requires a little farming, even if you have the possibility to level up quickly by doing as many events as possible.

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