In New Zealand, Chris Hipkins dreams of independence before the coronation of Charles III

In New Zealand, Chris Hipkins dreams of independence before the coronation of Charles III

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hepkins and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (not pictured) attend a joint press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, February 7, 2023 (Photo by STRINGER/AFP)
STRINGER/AFP New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hepkins and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (not pictured) attend a joint press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, February 7, 2023 (Photo by STRINGER/AFP)


New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hepkins, here on February 7, 2023.

International – Will New Zealand become a republic soon? In any case, this is what Prime Minister Chris Hipkins wants, who spoke to the press on Monday 1 May a few hours before he left for London where he will attend the coronation of King Charles III.

“Ideally, in time, New Zealand will become a fully independent nation, and we will stand on our own, as we very much do now.”he told reporters. (From 16 min 30 in the video below, in English). Before him, former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern estimated in 2018 that her country would turn into a republic. in his life “.

The question of the status of the monarchy in the former British colonies has been raised for several years. The mort de la reine Elizabeth a accéléré le débat dans more pays : le Premier ministre de l’île d’Antigua-et-Barbuda Gaston Browne a par example annoncé son intention d’organiser un référendum for se détacher de la couronne d’ici Three years. This topic is also found in Australia.

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Chris Hipkins claims so “republican”

“I believe that we must, at the end of the day, become an independent country”as appreciated by the unhide-able Chris Hepkins “Being Republican”. However, he added, “I don’t think that will replace the governor-general [représentante de la couronne dans l’archipel, NDLR] By another kind of leader is really a priority.”

Moreover, the prime minister is happy to take part in the coronation of Charles III, “major international event”. “I think it’s important that New Zealand is well represented, the King is our Head of State until we decide otherwise.”pointed out.

During this press conference, Chris Hepkins also indicated that he will be meeting King Charles. He did not want to elaborate on the topics that would be discussed during this meeting.

See also on Huffpost :

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