In France Culture, Natacha Trieu puts knowledge within everyone’s reach

In France Culture, Natacha Trieu puts knowledge within everyone’s reach

After Nicolas Martin, the host takes over the new program “La Science, CQFD” from Monday to Friday at 4 pm with curiosity and high standards.

On this winter’s day, a slight tension floats on either side of France Culture’s studio window. Team Science, CQFD He receives a rather special guest there: Professor Alan Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022. Promoting the Nobel idea is indeed not easy, but addressing it in front of it is enough to raise the pressure a little. The scientist and his impressive pointy mustache are sitting behind the microphone, and the show is about to begin. And without losing her broad smile, Natasha Trieu started talking about quantum entanglement, photons and grains of light with amazing ease. For an hour, producer and researcher return to the experiences of a lifetime, oscillating between the march of the world and the life of a man from the Southwest. The discussion is as exciting as it takes. mission accomplished.

Natasha Trio is the kind of person who loves challenges. Such as interrupting an art history thesis on taxidermy to become a journalist at the free entry, In France 5, in 2011. Or the answer Yes when asked in 2018 Shishi to present Science’s Journal scientific method [sur France Culture déjà] ? », although she had no training in this matter. Last challenge: success Nicholas MartinThe host of the aforementioned show, who left in the summer of 2022 after seven great seasons. “Going five to fifty-eight minutes on the air is not the same job, but I was really excited about this adventure.”confirms the producer, biting it straight, and is happy to carry a scientific program as a woman – “Another way to prove that these are the fields that do not belong to men.”

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