In Briouze, two exhibits to discover in Houlme’s cultural space

In Briouze, two exhibits to discover in Houlme’s cultural space

In the cultural space of the Houlme de Briouze (Orne), there are two galleries underway: one for drawings and engravings and the other representing images that relive human travels.
In the cultural space of the Houlme de Briouze (Orne), there are two galleries underway: one for drawings and engravings and the other representing images that relive human travels. (© DR)

In the cultural space Houlme in Prize (orney), who are they Exhibitions The facility is underway.

You can discover the Briouze Media Library until June 23, 2021 Works By artist Mary Noel Dever W. Pictures Written by Cecile Barrier, Participation in Humanitarian Action, until the end of August 2021.

Prints and Drawings

What you should knowUpdated May 27, 2021

Mary Noel Dever currently lives in Orne after studying fine arts in Caen and at the Universities of Rennes and Valenciennes. His artistic residencies prompted him to travel regularly and incorporate the concepts of travel, storage and folding into his work. She paints, engraves and creates portable installations and sculptures. His work has been shown in many French galleries and even in the United States! His inscriptions appear in some popular magazines. Marie-Noëlle Deverre regularly participates, as a player, in the creations of contemporary music band Offrandes.

Since May 21, artist Marie-Noëlle Deverre has invited the public to Fendre les flots. Organized jointly by Orne County Council and Poulersoglu, this gallery features the artist’s drawings and engravings.

A great opportunity to discover his creations, which often evolve and can be reconfigured, depending on the context in which they are in, and the events that take place, such as living things.

Fendre les flots is visible during business hours: Monday 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM / Tuesday 4 PM – 6 PM / Wednesday and Friday 2 PM – 6 PM Information 02 33 62 81 50.

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Pictures of humanitarian trips

What you should knowUpdated May 27, 2021

Cécile Barrière is originally from Damigny and lives near Toulouse. She works in the humanitarian field and was part of many structures such as Action Against Hunger, the United Nations, representation … Her parents Mark and Jessica are the ones in charge of organizing exhibitions on the Orne side. Cecil is also used in Toulouse to make small pictures that she leave available on the streets and in particular to make wild posters to convey a message.

For the other gallery, these are photos by Cecile Barriere.

Since 2010, during her trip to Haiti, she has started taking pictures, on the one hand for the humanitarian missions that she leads and on the other hand for her personal happiness.

The photo allowed me to immortalize some difficult moments in life but always full of hope, our presence helped me.

Cecil BarrierAmateur photographer

Chad, Haiti, Lebanon, Nigeria … In total, 40 images will be discovered in small format and five large images in black and white or color.

You’ll mainly find pictures of children and women, two reasons that she supports her so much through her humanitarian missions.

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