In Boutcha, the yurt that troubles the Kremlin, the story of our special correspondent in Kyiv.

In Boutcha, the yurt that troubles the Kremlin, the story of our special correspondent in Kyiv.

Yurt Bucha, January 9, 2023. It is the island of rest for city dwellers. Sergey Sobinsky/AFP

Report – Moscow has little appreciation for this Kazakh initiative on social networks, which is an island of comfort for the population.

Special Envoy to Kyiv

For residents of Bucha, a city on the outskirts of Kyiv A symbol of violations committed by the Russian army During the invasion last March, small white tents pitched in the parking lot of a residential area were the island of comfort. While, on January 14, missiles rocked the capital and the cities of Kharkiv and Dnipro once again, couples came to warm over a cup of tea offered by Kazakh volunteers. Kids help themselves to baursak (fried cake in oil) while charging their mobile phones with generators and a small portable speaker playing a piece of Q-Pop (like South Korean pop, but in Kazakhstan).

in MoscowOn the other hand, the mention of this Kazakh initiative on social networks was not appreciated. So much so that a State Department spokeswoman issued a press release requesting her counterpart in Astana “to clarify the situation” – …

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