“If you see me crying”: What are the “stones of hunger” that have recently re-emerged due to drought?

“If you see me crying”: What are the “stones of hunger” that have recently re-emerged due to drought?

And the appearance of these inscriptions on the stones of the river does not bode well. Refreshed by drought, it echoes the agony of the past. explanations.

Our ancestors warned us. The inscriptions on the stones were baptized “stones of hunger”, which one finds especially in the Elbe, or in the Rhine were revealed due to drought, which lowered the river’s water level.

water level indicator

One of the most famous stones was found in the Czech city of Děčín. It bears the terrible warning: “If you see me, cry.” These large stones date back to the 15th century and served as a water level mark. It is a historical testament to the droughts that Europe has experienced.

Recent droughts in Europe have once again revealed “hunger stones” in some Czech and German rivers. These stones were used to mark hopelessly low river levels that would predict famines. This, in the Elbe, from 1616 and says: “If you see me, cry”#ArchioHistories pic.twitter.com/rkPDVw7uPx

– ArchaeoHistories (arch_histories) August 14, 2022

As the German newspaper explains, Der Spiegel The oldest of these inscriptions date from 1417. The date of 1616 is written on the Děčín inscription located in the country where the Elbe River comes from to cross Germany before emptying into the North Sea.

Drought, synonymous with poor harvests, was often a factor exacerbating the risk of famine. Throughout the Czech city, other Hunger Stones have been set in the Elbe, with various dates such as 1892, 1903, 1904, 1911, 1928, 1963 and even 2015.

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The drought will get worse

The last time these stones reappeared dates back to 2018. Most of the images of the Hunger Stones, which have been broadcast in the media, date back to 2018, explains Der Spiegel, which indicates that the Elbe level on the other hand is not exceptional. Low this year, compared to the severe drought that hit other parts of Europe. This year, on the other hand, the appearance of other Hunger Stones is observed in Germany, for example in several places on the Rhine.

according to European Drought Observatory“The severe drought that has hit several regions in Europe since the beginning of the year is still spreading and getting worse,” in question, conditions were drier than normal until the next three months, across most of the continent.

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