If science is said…
The magazine “E = M6” presents a special program dedicated to the most important historical monuments of the French heritage, on Sunday January 16 at 8:25 pm.
There is no shortage of documentaries at Versailles. To distinguish itself, the magazine “E = M6” went to meet with craftsmen, architects or historians with one goal: to bring to light what science teaches us about the residence of Kings Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. “We wanted to make a program that would show the evolution of technologies, of which Versailles is a good reflection.Mac Lesggy summarizes. For example, for the Hall of Mirrors, we will import to France the technology of manufacturing mirrors, which was an industrial secret that Venice jealously guarded.».
Read also – Mac Lesggy celebrates 30 years of “E=M6”
The rest of the visit takes Mac Lesggy to the room where”The most important piece of French furniture from the 18th century preserved in the worldIt is the Secretary of Louis XV whose hidden mechanism was revolutionary at the time. Thus, the key activates the cover of the secretary and if the latter is closed, all the drawers are also closed. Likewise, opening a latch under the cabinet provides access to a slot Where secret drawers are hidden. To reveal her technical secrets, the secretary was x-rayed.”It is truly a contribution of modern science to the study of the past“,” Mac Lesggy noted.
“Science and technology are really good indicators of the living conditions of an era.”
The journalist then moves on to study the paintings displayed in the castle. One wonders whether the representations of Louis XIV are faithful to reality. Cecile LaRue mentioned “dress codes” throughout the ages in court (wig maker, hairstylist and make-up artist for shows and cinema) enlightening us in passing on the use of the fly, a beauty accessory that was used to seduce but also to conceal facial imperfections. Finally, bringing to daily life comes the issue of hygiene. In the time of the Sun King, Versailles could accommodate between 4 and 10,000 people per day, with no running water or network drainage…
Also Read – Mac Lesggy (“E=M6 Family”): “Being on Gulli allows us to expand our audience”
In the future, Mac Lesggy admits he’d like to make another “E=M6” in the same spirit as this one. “Science and technology are really good indicators of the living conditions of an era. France does not lack the diplomas of our past to make other programs elsewhereFor this, he does not think of limiting himself to castles. Moreover, on the occasion of the 1000th issue of “E = M6”, the magazine had already taken an interest in the Eiffel Tower. Mac Lesggy has some ideas for the future. He thinks especially of Pont du gard.”It is an extraordinary testimony to the knowledge of the Romans“, Concludes.
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