Icebreaker opens its first popup in France » PACA Economic and Political Newsletter

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Icebreaker, the leading eco-friendly outerwear brand, opens its first pop-up in France.

The popular New Zealand brand is already present in 50 countries around the world, and is opening its first store in a multi-department department store: a one-of-a-kind store that opens its doors in Printemps from September 15. For two months, customers will be able to find a selection of branded products.

Born in New Zealand, Icebreaker, since 1995, has been providing technical products based on natural fibers that allow you to fully experience outdoor adventures. Thus Icebreaker designs natural and functional clothing as an alternative to synthetic clothing. And from what nature has to offer, the brand finds innovative solutions. Innovations that encourage consumers to turn to nature and preserve our planet for generations to come.

Sustainability is not just a word on its labels. This is one of the main values ​​and peculiarities of the icebreaker.

The publication of this fifth brand transparency report confirms this. The brand reveals impressive progress toward its plastic-free goals, with 95% of its total fibers now either natural or vegan. The Natural Fibers collections meet the needs of consumers who engage in outdoor activities in all seasons, from hiking to skiing, while offering a natural alternative to every layer.

Icebreaker, part of VF Corporation, continues to move the lines with a call for action that puts nature, transparency and responsibility at the heart of its business.

Leading the “Transition to Normal” movement

Icebreaker encourages its customers to wear natural fibres. Merino’s new plant-based or pure fabrics help achieve the company’s goal of providing natural alternatives to synthetic clothing.

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With roots in the Southern Alps of New Zealand and a close connection to nature, the icebreaker has perfected the ancient art of layering. Inspirée par les moutons mérinos de cette région, leur résistance aux éléments et la qualité incomparable de leur laine, la marque a adapté sa laine mérinos caractéristique à un système de couches conçu pour for frir le ques so tempr the classroom.

Merino wool is naturally flexible, breathable, heat-regulating and naturally odor-resistant, making it an incredibly high-performance natural fiber that makes it ideal for outerwear.

Innovative tech clothing

Today, with a desire to accompany those who live an active adventure in synergy with nature, Icebreaker develops artistic clothing from merino wool and natural fibers of responsible and sustainable origin that are in all respects consistent with its values ​​and identity. Over the years, innovation has been at the heart of the brand’s research, always looking for natural alternatives that breathe, move and work in harmony with the skin. For each innovation, the icebreaker challenges itself to use the power that nature offers to try to disrupt our consumption habits and hopefully change mindsets thanks to innovative and natural technologies. True alternatives to synthetic clothing, icebreaker clothing also includes several innovations (ZoneKnit™, MerinoLoft™, Cool-Lite™ and RealFleece®) to complete the brand’s layering system thus allowing adventurers to pursue their favorite activities (trail, running, hiking, skiing, etc.) With respect for the planet.

The 13-square-meter pop-up hosts for two months – since Thursday 15 September 2022 – a space dedicated to the brand’s new fall-winter collection. A wide choice will be available as 39 different models will be represented in the corner.

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Icebreaker Popup Store

From September 15 to November 15 2022

In Printemps – 64 rue Haussmann – Paris 9

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