Holidays in Catalonia: beware of the new scam in highway rest areas

Holidays in Catalonia: beware of the new scam in highway rest areas

Catalan police warn vacationers of a new scam. Individuals target vehicles at toll booths and in highway service areas. Here’s their way.

Relaxed, tender-hearted, on vacation: do not think that you are the target of potential thieves. If you go to the other side of the Pyrenees, be careful. Thieves are prevalent in toll booths and highway service areas. The Catalan police, Mossos d’Esquadra, issued a warning on social media.

Thieves target: your tires. Scammers detect you, follow you, and wait for you to stop. Either when drawing a pass or in a rest area. Once stopped, the crook in the car behind you, on the passenger side, quickly exits to remove the cover from the right rear tire.

You keep driving, your tire gradually shrinks, and then you stop at a hard shoulder or in an area. That’s when scammers step in. One of them pretends to help you while your partner steals bags or items inside your cabin. If we focus on your tire, you will not notice it as it appears in the Catalan police video.

Els lladres també aprofiten els peatges per robar-te

Vigila el entorno cuando pares

Thieves also benefit from highway tolls. Watch your surroundings when you stop# stopforts

—mossos August 6, 2022

The Catalan police calls on motorists to be careful not to fall victim to this scam and advises them to lock your car as soon as you get out.

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