HelloFresh lands in Italy: in-house ingredients to cook 10 thousand different dishes

HelloFresh lands in Italy: in-house ingredients to cook 10 thousand different dishes

In the past two years, services Home Delivery. Who gets to shop and from takeaway from restaurants. Now like a giant HelloFreshSpecializing in providing its customers with everything they need to prepare homemade meals, without having to waste time shopping but with the joy of cooking and knowing what to eat. And above all by minimizing waste.

“From Thursday 14 October we are online – Stefano Cracow, HelloFresh Italia’s COO explains – To aggregate orders on a wide range of menus tailored to different customers: families or lovers of traditional Italian, vegetarian, diet or even Asian cuisine. All the ingredients needed for thousands of recipes suggested by HelloFresh (https://www.hellofresh.it/) It is supplied directly by local producers and delivered in a short time to the home of people who have decided to subscribe to the weekly delivery service (but flexible, i.e. it can be suspended and resumed at any time) ».

Stefano Cracow and Marina Faurie

HelloFresh is a global leader in the field of Meal set. In 2020, the company delivered more than 600 million sets, turnover of more than 3.7 billion euros (+111% compared to 2019). In the second quarter of 2021, HelloFresh counted 7.7 million active customers. Today it offers a collection of more than 10 thousand different recipes and serves more than 16 thousand people around the world. In Italy, customers can choose from 4 types of recipes every week on the website or on the app (Meat, Fish, Family, Vegetarian & Calorie Counter) for 2 or 4 people. Developed by HelloFresh’s Italian culinary team, the recipes are inspired every week by Italian and international cuisine, with great attention to freshness, seasonality and the origin of ingredients.

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“We choose suppliers carefully – Cracco continues – and prefer local companies and farmers. HelloFresh’s short supply chain, which connects local producers directly to end customers, allows not only to maintain maximum freshness and quality of food, but also to significantly reduce food waste as well as CO2 انبعاثات emissions that instead occur in the traditional supply chain.”

It is a convenient alternative to buying food from the supermarket, thanks to the delivery Pre-ingredients And a variety of recipes. An intermediate step in the world of food delivery that promises to be very successful in Italy as it places sustainability as a priority on the one hand and the strengthening of the Italian agri-food chain on the other. “Italy is a country with a strong culinary tradition, already particularly attentive and sensitive to good and good food. HelloFresh aims to add more modernity, comfort and inspiration to home cooking so that people can regularly enjoy the joy of cooking at home,” comments Cracco.

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