Heer, under pressure from Glucksmann, responds to his allies colluding with the far right

Heer, under pressure from Glucksmann, responds to his allies colluding with the far right

Under pressure, particularly from Raphael Glucksmann, Valerie Heer reacts to her allies who collude with the far right.  Illustrative photo taken during a meeting in front of Medivh.
Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP Under pressure, particularly from Raphael Glucksmann, Valerie Heer reacts to her allies who collude with the far right. Illustrative photo taken during a meeting in front of Medivh.

Geoffroy van der Hasselt/AFP

Under pressure, particularly from Raphael Glucksmann, Valerie Heer reacts to her allies who collude with the far right. Illustrative photo taken during a meeting in front of Medivh.

Politics – Marine Le Pen’s allies and Emmanuel Macron’s allies in the same government? This is what happens in the Netherlands. On Wednesday, May 15, the leader of the Dutch far-right party, Geert Wilders, was effectively declared the winner of the recent legislative elections Government agreement With (among others) the VVD.

Somewhat embarrassing news for Macroni a few weeks before the European elections, given that this Liberal Party is his ally in Brussels and Strasbourg. The five VVD MEPs are members of the Renew Europe group, headed by Valerie Heer, while the sole representative of Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the European Parliament sits alongside Jordan Bardella within the nationalist group.

In this context, the presidential candidate, under pressure from her opponents, was quick to condemn such an agreement. A few hours ago, the leader of the Socialists and the public space, Raphael Glucksmann, asked him, in the General Senate, to: to choose “, and to be” farm » Confronting the extreme right and its representatives in Europe.

“The absolute tarator”

They must exclude (from their group) parties that conclude agreements with the extreme right.”student, ” Otherwise, we are overestimating the barrage of every election in France, and we want to permanently restore this consensus between Macron, Le Pen, Attal and Bardella, even if it means hijacking the elections every time. ” Back to ” Absolute freshness. »

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What opinion polls put in third place in the race for the European elections is the agreement signed in the Netherlands.” This should concern all European democrats. » Because it gives a dominant position to the party.” Extremist, pro-Putin, xenophobic, Islamophobic », supported by the classical right and liberals.

We, the Social Democrats, are the only major group in the European Parliament that is decisive: we will never form an alliance with the far right. ” he insisted again, explaining that ” Any form of procrastination and compromise “Amounts according to him” He encourages ” there ” Wave » Nationalism that threatens to collapse on the continent.

A concern shared on the left and expressed through various chapels. In France, rebel MP Aymeric Caron believes that “ The world continues to slide toward the worse, while France is on a similar path. » « In the 2000s, I went to interview Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, when he was emerging in his country and his far-right platform was causing concern here in France.The former journalist says in a post on X, Today, after winning the elections, his party enters the government in a coalition with the right and the liberals. No one seems to be affected by it anymore. »

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Valerie Heyer says rejection »

At the European level, the Green Party has also sounded the alarm by pointing to the role of the liberals in this type of normalization. ” The Renewal movement continues to define itself as an alliance of “liberals” and “democrats,” while its members participate in governments alongside the anti-European and xenophobic far-right.For example, he criticized the Dutch MEP Bas Eeckhout In a joint press release.

In response to this attack, which is likely to undermine the “dam against the far right” argument so dear to Macron’s camp, candidate Valérie Heyer – who is also head of the European Liberal Group – expressed, “ Extreme concern ” and this is ” rejection », in a text published on social networking sites this afternoon, Thursday.

The PVV (Gert Wilders' party) is the opposite of what we stand for in terms of values, rule of law, economy, climate and of course Europe. », she writes, emphasizing that « To agree with such a party is to place oneself outside the values » carried by his group. Valerie Heyer also specifies that she will continue to “ Strongly opposed ” for any ” Compromise with the extreme right. » What suggests the restructuring of the European Parliament after June 9?

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