Hastoy out for a month, Doolin and Kerr Barlow not sure to face Racing 92

Hastoy out for a month, Doolin and Kerr Barlow not sure to face Racing 92

Stade Rochelais on Thursday formalized the unavailability of the international opener Antoine HastoyOn Sunday, he was injured at the start of the match in Clermont-Ferrand. The former Baloa has a sprained left ankle which should keep him off the field for four weeks. The yellow and black club is already special at the opening Pierre PoplinWho suffers from pubic pain.

There are three options available for La Rochelle to occupy 10th place on Saturday night against Racing 92. The English youngster Harry GlennSamoa Ulupano Seutenior South Africa Dylan Leedswho replaced Antoine Hastoy at Auvergne.

He suffered another physical defect during the defeat at Auvergne, which is Bryce Doolin. The international full-back is still complaining about his right knee. “Bryce is not 100% for this weekend. He had a knee alert”Irish strikers coach Donacha Ryan said. Same uncertainty for the New Zealand scrum half Tawera Care Barlowwas injured in the warm-up of the match against ASM. “We’ll see tomorrow (Friday) with him if he can play this weekend.”Says Ryan.

In the Argentinian beam of the Annunciation of the right pillar Joel Sclavey He returned to La Rochelle. After playing rugby with Argentina, and their win over New Zealand, Sclavy is back in training this week. He could be back very quickly in the La Rochelle group.

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in Marcel

If the infirmary wasn’t completely empty, the Marcel-Deflandre stadium, it would never stop filling up. For the seventieth time in a rowa yellow and black walker will be sold out on Saturday evening to welcome Racing 92 (kick-off, 9:05 p.m.).

An amazing record that demonstrates the loyalty and enthusiasm of the La Rochelle crowd. A match to live fully France Blue La Rochelle.

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