Grenoble.  Share public space, no matter how you travel

Grenoble. Share public space, no matter how you travel

The Shared Mobility Association of the Grenoble Metropolitan Area (Smmag) is currently leading a communication campaign on travel safety. President Sylvain Laval invited people to come and discover the tram dressed up to promote the campaign that is currently circulating on the network.

Smmag, as the regulating authority for transport, travel and mobility in the territories of Grenoble Alpes Métropole, Grécifoudan and Baie Voirones, wanted to implement a specific campaign targeting the inhabitants of the territory to make them aware of the safety of the use of public space. “In public space, each of us takes on a different role. It could be a parent with a stroller, an elderly person losing independence, a more flexible pedestrian, an experienced cyclist, an occasional cyclist, a motorist… and yet “In each role, we tend to adopt a certain behavior and develop certain expectations and also to protest the behavior of other users. For example, I am in the car, I have a quick errand to do and I park it in a space designated for cyclists. However, when I am a cyclist I can’t pass because of a badly parked car and I’m complaining…

The aims of this campaign are simple: to attract all users of public spaces, whatever their way of travelling, but also to raise awareness of risks and hazards.

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