Golf: German Armada is suggested

Golf: German Armada is suggested

Reputation, tradition and first-class golf – these attributes apply again to the BMW International Open, the 34th edition of which will take place on Thursday at the Munich-Eichenried Golf Club. In addition to the stars from abroad, the focus over the next four days will be mainly on golfers from Germany. “There are more than ever before,” tournament director Marco Kassler is looking forward to the emergence of 21 German professionals and amateurs.

It is believed that this figure alone speaks a clear language. German men’s golf, no doubt on the rise, can and does not only want to provide plenty of thrills and entertainment on the elegant fairways of northern Munich. The German fleet also wants to surprise an athlete. “We can’t imagine anything better than German success,” adds Kossler, president of the tournament. He’s not the only one hoping the knot will “pop off” for some.

Nothing for the late risers

Famous teen names this Thursday at 8am on Tee 1. First and foremost, celebrity personality Marcel Sim, who is in Round 72 with European Ryder Cup captain Luke Donald of England and two-time BMW International Open champion Pablo Larzabal (2011, 2015) From Spain. Alex Seca starts ten minutes later with defending champion Li Haotong (CHN); The third in this group is Adrian Mironek from Poland.

With Max Kieffer, Yannik Paul and Nick Bachem, there is also a purely German trio on the 10th jersey. “It’s great to play on a German tour with Yannick and Nick, she can develop her own dynamic,” Kieffer said.

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The Ryder Cup also plays an important role in Eichenried this year. It is not for nothing that Europe’s captain Luke Donald did not take off, but also his vice-captains Thomas Bjorn (Denmark), Eduardo Molinari (Italy) and Nicholas Colsers (Belgium). The quartet wants to get an idea of ​​the several potential wildcard candidates for the 44th Ryder Cup, which will be held near Rome from September 29 to October 1. Yannick Paul, Max Kiefer, Matty Schmid and Marcel Sim, among others, can all hope to get a starting point. “I always dreamed of playing in the Ryder Cup one day and I braced myself for it,” Paul said Wednesday.

Sim added: “It’s such an honor to play alongside Luke Donald. Of course it’s great to be in a situation where the Ryder Cup is at least an issue. However, in the two stages I have to push that too far, because that puts more pressure on him.” Of course. I just have to play my strategy game and control my feelings.”

From a German point of view, Hurley Long, Marcel Schneider, Nikolai von Dillinghausen, Alexander Knape, Freddy Schott, Maximilian Schmidt, Philippe Migo, Yannick De Bruyne, Michael Hermer, Mark Hammer, Sebastian Hazel, Felten Meyer and amateurs Jonas Baumgartner and Tim Wiedmeier should also be considered , who complete the domestic fleet.

From an international point of view, 21-year-olds Danish twins Nikolaj and Rasmus Hoggard can hope for a place in the Ryder Cup. Among the young defenders are French Victor Perez, Scotsman Robert McIntyre and Adrian Mironek from Poland.

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Spaniard Rafa Cabrera-Bello and compatriot Pablo Larzabal, Luke Donald and Thomas Bjorn are considered “old hands” and Eichenried has been tested. Larrazábal and Bjørn (winner 2000, 2002) are aiming for their third success in Eichenried. Big stars such as last year’s third-place finisher Ryan Fox of New Zealand and English favourite, Andrew “Bev” Johnston, will also be in action.

Prize for the winner: $340,000

Cash prize Total $2 million, including $340,000 to the winner. The hole-in-one prize – traditionally played on the 17th hole – is the new all-electric BMW i5.

charity work In “Eagles for Education”, BMW donates €1,000 for each eagle.

tickets Day and season tickets at or at the box office.

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