Global pandemic update

Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 8:09 PM

New Measures, New Reports, and Highlights: An update on the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic around the world.

– Australia: Clashes in anti-imprisonment protests –

More than 200 people were arrested on Saturday after violent clashes between anti-lockdown protesters and police in Australia’s two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, police said.

New South Wales, where Sydney is located, recorded 825 new cases in 24 hours on Saturday, a record for the country, the day after the extension until the end of September to impose city restrictions on the city in June. A renewed epidemic in Victoria, where Melbourne is located, has caused a stretch of containment throughout this state.

– Completing anti-sanitary permits in France –

As the start of the school year approaches, opponents of the health card and any commitment to a vaccine against Covid have quietly demonstrated in France, and many have vehemently refused to vaccinate, unplanned, children and adolescents.

On this sixth consecutive weekend of mobilization, the rallies once again took place from north to south, without flooding.

– Polynesia tightens its grip –

Archipelago President Edward Fritsch has announced that schools, colleges and high schools will be closed “from Monday” in French Polynesia due to the Covid-19 outbreak, as part of a planned two-week containment tightening.

Polynesian students returned to school two weeks ago, but many schools and colleges have already closed after the virus spread to children or teachers.

In addition, the curfew, which lasted from 9:00 pm until 4:00 am, will be introduced to start at 8:00 pm throughout the territory of French Polynesia.

– First cases in Palau –

The Pacific archipelago of Palau has announced its first cases of coronavirus, losing its rare status as a Covid-19-free country.

Two travelers, who tested positive for the virus after arriving from Guam, have been placed in quarantine along with contacts.

As of Saturday, Palau was one of 14 countries in the world that had not reported any cases of coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization.

– US donated 1.2 million vaccines to Côte d’Ivoire –

La Côte d’Ivoire a réceptionné 1,2 million de doses de vaccin Pfizer offered par les Etats-Unis pour lutter contre le Covid-19, alors que le pays connaît une hausse sensible des contaminations ces dernières semaines, an annoncé le ministere de ivoire the health.

Doses of the vaccine arrived in Abidjan on Friday evening via the Covax system, which aims to provide anti-Covid vaccines to 20% of the population of nearly 200 participating countries and territories.

– More than 4.4 million dead –

The Covid-19 pandemic has killed at least 4,415,382 people around the world since the end of December 2019, according to a report issued by AFP from official sources, Saturday midday.

The United States is the hardest-hit country with 627,845 deaths, ahead of Brazil (573,511 dead), India (433,964), Mexico (252,080) and Peru (197752).

And the World Health Organization estimates, taking into account the increase in deaths directly and indirectly related to Covid-19, that the epidemic toll could be two to three times higher than that calculated from the official figures.

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