Gibbs ready to bounce back?

Gibbs ready to bounce back?

While Franck Azema and Pierre Mignone are looking for a coach in charge of the attackers, contacts have already been made with Juno Gibbs, recently sacked by Claremont.

Will Jono Gibbs be back soon? Arriving at Claremont in the summer of 2021 after a successful spell on the bench at La Rochelle, the New Zealand technician’s tenure ended early last January facing mixed results. Substituted for Auvergne’s Christophe Aureus, Juno Gibbs could find a place in the top 14 in the coming months.

In fact, according to the daily information the team, the Henderson native is one of the candidates for the position of forwards coach at RC Toulon, a position that has yet to be officially filled in the framework led by Director of Rugby Pierre Mignone and General Manager Frank Azema. Between 2014 and 2017, Jono Gibbs held the position as assistant to… Frank Azema. Communications have already been established with an appointment between the decision makers in Toulon and the New Zealand technician to be set soon even if there is no rush on Var’s part.

Gibbs is not the only candidate

Like Christophe Orius or Jeremy Davidson, Jono Gibbs could bounce back very quickly into a role he already knew in the past. However, his profile will not be the only follow-up on the part of RCT. In fact, the name of Julien Laïrle, whose contract with Bordeaux-Bègles expires at the end of the season, was mentioned even if the latter had joined Christophe Urios in Clermont. It will be a new stone in the construction of the future staff of the RCT, which will lose Frédéric Michalak in a few months.

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The former international flying half has reached an agreement to join Racing 92 and join Stuart Lancaster’s crew for the next three seasons. Sergio Baresi, whose career is soon to end, has been named to take up a role within the Toulon staff when Maxime Petitjean, currently in charge of kicking, can expand the adventure. After the first season, everything indicated that Franck Azema and Pierre Mignone would make their mark on the Toulon club a little more.

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