Get Rich: 7 Ways to Earn Gold Before WoW Patch 10.0 – World of Warcraft

WoW players sometimes look for tricks to earn a lot of gold in a short time. If there is no miracle recipe and it necessarily involves farming, then some activities are nevertheless more profitable than others. In a recent video, Thaun Gaming presents the seven best ways to earn millions of gold ahead of the release of WoW Patch 10.0.

Although the author plays on a French speaking server, the majority of his videos are in English, so I am giving you a summary of his notes. Feel free to watch the entire video for more details 😉

Here are the top 7 in question:

  1. Invitation to worshipers : We’ve all done it, and a lot of them don’t even touch it at all but it’s still a great way to earn gold. This is even more true if you have modifications, which can be ironed out very quickly with 50% increase XP which is currently active in Shadowlands.
  2. Farroth’s guillotine : This interesting looking sword, here in a red version, is very popular among players. Since it is so rare, it is easily sold in hundreds of thousands of gold per Hijri. To plant it, go to Zereth Mortis, more specifically the area to the northeast, planning index. Kill all the enemies there Pray, Pray, Pray. The rate of decline is about 0.01 to 0.03%.
  3. strange slime : Once again, Zerith Mortis is the place to go. This item can be fished in the large Lixical Ice Lake east of the refuge. Again, the loot rate is low, but once the item is in your pocket, you can spawn a Hirukon and recover the Stellar Polyp from the depths. However, it is not the mountain that you can sell, but the strange slime.
  4. Battle of Azeroth Mounts: Many BFA tripods are still very popular among gamers. Obviously, the rate of decline is low. The most expensive, the Chewed Reins of the Terrified Pack Mule, is worth nearly 800 thousand. Others turn out between 150 and 450 thousand.
    • Chewing the reins of a terrified mule: Raise the crowd at Baroud Cemetery in Drostvar.
    • Dreams of Goldmane: Farm the island near Seamen’s Beach in Stormsong Valley.
    • The reins of Tamed Bloodivore: Farmer crowds west of Torga Break or west of Krag’wa Burrow.
    • Dune Capture: Kill monsters west of Golden Tusks or north of Volpera’s lair.
  5. Ruby Cloud snake reins rumbling : Guiding the Valley of Eternal Flowers, next to the Holy Lands of Tu Xin. You can kill monsters in a ring, knowing that the elite have a better chance of dropping the shards of the sky. Once you get 10 shards, turn them into a Celestial Crystal. The latter will remove the protective mist that surrounds Alani, the elite beast that roams the area. He brought down the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent, which was still easily sold at auction.
  6. the genesis of atom : Return to Zereth Mortis to cultivate an object that is part of a region-specific amulets formation. There are several of them, so calculate the most profitable pets based on what is being sold and the ingredients needed for manufacture. Prototyping for satisfaction and prototypes for predation are very expensive.
  7. Bind when equipping items from the Pedestrian castle : Many BOE items are selling very well. When the raid is in fateful mode, take advantage and sell items to HA.
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Note that many items will continue to sell well after Dragonflight is released. Some of them can become more rare, and therefore more expensive at the auction house. This is especially the case for exotic goop.

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