Gerald Brunner, conspiracy expert at the heart of controversies

Gerald Brunner, conspiracy expert at the heart of controversies

by Valentine For

Posted today at 5:00 AM, updated at 08:27 AM.

Gerald Brunner, in the Office of the Anti-Committee

The hurried man waits forty minutes, but if he is impatient, does not appear, and calmly drinks his glass of roses on the balcony of a café in the center of Paris, as usual. Still, highly criticized summertime sociologist Gerald Brunner, renowned sociologist (sees causal link), reassures us about our tardiness: it is “good dough”. Moreover, if there is really a misunderstanding about him, it has to do with the fact that he is a controversial figure. “I have no unhealthy pleasure in provoking controversy, Confirms. There is no more political correctness than me, I have no idea of ​​a scandal. “

But in terms of controversy, it’s poised to take it to a new level. A few days ago, at the beginning of September, he received a call from Sylvain Guerin, the opinion advisor to President Macron: ” How are you ? “ “I’m drowning” replies a sociologist preparing for his return to the University of Paris (the entity resulting from the merger of Paris Descartes and Paris Diderot). “It’s bad, I have work to ask of you”, He hears himself answer. Big assignment: Take charge of a committee called Spotlight in the Digital Age.

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In Emmanuel Macron’s field of vision

Brunner’s research topics–collective beliefs, conspiracy, extremism–and the success of his book The end of the knowledge world (PUF, 2021), appeared in Emmanuel Macron’s field of view. The president is concerned about the rise “Challenge any form of authority, including academic and scientific authority”, like he said in a Express (December 22, 2020). At the Elysee Palace, the sociologist explained that the escalation of anti-party rhetoric, and the images of yellow stars carried by some protesters, persuaded the president to set up a commission on conspiracy and disinformation.

“For as long as I have had a statutory streak, I am a civil servant, paid by the Republic, I find we cannot say no to this kind of request.” Gerald Brunner

“I didn’t feel rejected, Gerald Brunner demonstrates, at the end of November, in his temporary office as Chairman of the Committee, Belchas Street, at 7e Paris district. For as long as I have had a legal streak, I am a government employee, paid by the Republic, I find we can’t say no to this kind of request. ” The Brunner commission began on September 29, and it had three months to finish “A series of concrete proposals in the areas of education, regulation and combating hate spreaders and disinformation”. Results are expected on January 11th.

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