‘Genetic escape’ to report genetic diseases

‘Genetic escape’ to report genetic diseases

Uncovering the scenes of scientific research and raising awareness of genetic diseases in a fun way is the ambition of Escape Genes! Launched by Imagine Institute, this escape game offers an hour-long immersive experience in the shoes of a researcher

Step into the position of a researcher and make a discovery that will advance research in genetic diseases! On February 28, 2022, on the occasion of World Rare Disease Day, the Imagine Institute launches ” escape genes » The first educational and fun genetics escape game. From counseling to pathology diagnosis, through discovery of the responsible gene and hope for a cure, participants immerse themselves for an hour in one of the institute’s laboratories, located on the campus of the Necker-Enfants Malades-HP hospital (Paris). Objective: To allow the general public, especially young people, to discover the stages of the research and reporting process for the estimated 8000 genetic diseases. Ambitious community mission “This research center is at the core of success.

A thirst for knowledge fueled by the epidemic?

The game takes place in four stages: the diagnostic fugue that families go through before a disease is named, DNA sampling aimed at tracing the path of the sample, sequencing to understand the concepts of genes, heredity and genetic code, and finally the publication of scientific findings and the methodology for their use. At each new stage, the master of the game, an intermediate researcher, tells the story of the discovery and extracts information about her profession. ” The current health context has shown more strongly that it is necessary to explain science and its methodologies, to show what we are doing, what we know and what we do not know yet. Explains Imagine.

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Do you want to share this unique experience with family or friends? Go to the dedicated website (link below) to register in groups of two to six people (adults and children). New slots are introduced every month. So you better be ready!

“All rights of reproduction and representation reserved. © Handicap.fr. This article was written by Cassandre Rogeret, Handicap.fr journalist”

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