Funny Science (Apple TV +) has the right to its release feature

Funny Science (Apple TV +) has the right to its release feature

today marked Series Availability funny flag (Cutters in English) on Apple TV +. On this occasion, Apple has published a feature on YouTube to give an overview of the program and make you want to watch it.

funny flag A half-hour anthology series about near-future college students that uses science fiction as a backdrop to telling global stories about growing up. The series was created by Melody Fox, and executive producer Matt Hastings directed three episodes for this season, including the first.

Each episode contains a sci-fi version of stories that kids can relate to, so kids and families wonder how they’d act in each unique situation. The trailer highlights all seven separate stories, starring Callan Faris, Vida Cienfuegos, Cole Kyrizakos, Maz Gibrani, Cal Ferren, Quincy Kirkwood, Ariel Halley, Gavin McIver Wright, Khila Ayin, and Maya McNair, among others.

The series is produced by Cottonwood Media’s Matt Hastings, Andrew Orenstein, Sarah Haasz, David Michel and Cécile Lauritano, Anthony Leo and Andrew Rosen of Aircraft Pictures, and Todd Berger. Melody Fox and Gillian Horvath are co-executive producers.

Seven episodes are available with the first season of funny flag. All available today.

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