Fungicides for Spot Dollars: Don’t Leave in All Hands

Fungicides for Spot Dollars: Don’t Leave in All Hands

Drought vegetables. Photo by Armin Weigel/dpa/dpa Picture Alliance via AFP

While trying to kill the fungus that was ravaging the grass on their vegetables, members of one of New Zealand’s oldest courses accidentally poisoned them.

By insisting too hard on the fungicide dose, members of the Hagley Golf Club in Christchurch, New Zealand have done irreparable harm.

Alan Timo, vice-chairman of Hagley Golf Club, explained that the unfortunate incident was the culmination of a series of events that took place during the four-month transition period from leaving a greenkeeper to the arrival of his successor.

Former green keeper Daniel Tiven resigned in April and club members took over, until a new green keeper arrived.

Soon after the Greens’ No. 1 enemy emerged. Dollar spot, a fast-spreading fungus that destroys lawns.

Double lethal dose

On the advice of a specialist, a plan was devised to apply fungicides to the greens, but after a slight improvement, a second dose, twice as strong, was sprayed!

In his defense, Timo said it was also possible that there was herbicide in the large spray tank and that it was not cleaned properly.

After 2 weeks, 8 vegetables had completely turned yellow and 1 month after the procedure, the grass had completely died.

While awaiting the estimated $20,000 repair, members of New Zealand’s second oldest club play on makeshift greens. The committee is hoping the new keeper can restore the track to celebrate the club’s 150th anniversary in November!

© ARMIN WEIGEL / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP

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