From September 22, Guadeloupe will enter the phase of confinement “A

From September 22, Guadeloupe will enter the phase of confinement “A

During the weekly Covid point, Governor Alexandre Rochat announced a reduction in containment measures, effective September 22. We will have to wait until October, in order to dismantle the archipelago. But this tentative timetable is highly dependent on the continued decline in the indicators.

This Wednesday, September 15, 2021, from the small “Hall of the Palace”, in the province of Bas-Terre, the governor of the Guadeloupe region, Alexandre Rochat and the Director-General of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), Valérie Dinnox, assessed the health situation, as well as the ongoing measures to curb the epidemic of Covid- 19.

They also had to give a “accurate table“To implement the law on vaccination for health professionals in Guadeloupe and Saint Martin, where it comes to gradual implementation, because of the tension that is still great in the hospital in these two areas.
Conversely, the island of Saint Barthelemy is already subject to this law, consistent with France.

Press conference we invite you to (re)see it here:

The health situation in Guadeloupe

The decline in indices continues in Guadeloupe. But we are still far from the end of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Here are the indicators for week 36, 6 to 12 September 2021:

  • It happened 804 new positive cases in the territory, as against 1665 the previous week;
  • 56 patients died In health institutions, that is, 26 women and 30 men. The youngest was 35 years old and the oldest 92 years old. Almost half of the deaths occurred in intensive care (21);
  • 2 new sets One was detected in the workplace and the other in health institutions;
  • It happened 108 new hospital admissions for covid virus in Guadeloupe and 30 new admissions to critical care (Intensive care and continuing care);
  • Infection rate 213.3 per 100,000 residents, versus 441.8 at week 35;
  • The positivity rate is 6.9%., compared to 10.1 previously.
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As of September 12, 452 local people have died since the beginning of the fourth wave.

The delta variant still circulates mainly in the archipelago.

Care services are still supported by reinforcements. Of the 584 caregivers who arrived from France, 208 will leave Guadeloupe: 145 today and 63 tomorrow. 376 will remain, including 71 from the health reserve and 305 from the national solidarity. Also note that there are 4 employees who agreed to work during their extended leave.

So far, 63 patients have been evacuated to Paris for treatment.

38.49%: vaccination rate (at least one injection) in the eligible population (over 12 years of age).

We suggest you read the full press release from ARS and Preserve here:

COVID-19 / Guadeloupe Situation Update – Week 36 from 6 to 12 September 2021

Vaccination commitment: what is the schedule

Regarding vaccination, it was Valerie Dinnox who spoke on behalf of the local authorities, after consulting with local elected officials.
Users need to rest assured‘, began the director of the ARS. So the law will apply in Guadeloupe, as elsewhere in France. But the possibility, offered by the Minister of Solidarity and Health, to adapt its implementation here is a foregone conclusion.

But at this point, no new information has been provided, compared to a late call last night.

Marking the current phase one of the application, authorities will write to caregivers who have been identified as not immunized, to discuss the benefits of vaccination. Achieving the desired education.

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A gradual control plan will follow, starting with the institutions least involved in patient care; Students enrolled in health programs are also concerned.

By November 15, the control phase should be complete, at best.

Measures to curb the epidemic

Emmanuel Rochat announced the end of the current strict restriction, effective Wednesday, September 22, 2021… if the index curves continue to decline.
This stage, the first of the three planned stages, corresponds to an incidence rate of less than 200/100,000, a positivity rate of less than 10% and a hospital pressure of 150% of conventional activity.
From then on, Guadeloupe will be subject to ‘limit confinementWith more freedom.

  • The curfew will be postponed to eight in the evening, instead of seven in the evening today;
  • The travel limit, during the day, will be 10 km (versus the current 5 km), with certification;
  • Beaches and rivers are accessible in the morning and afternoon (times to be determined later);
  • Shops and artisans will reopen, with confinement starting metrics;
  • It will be possible to resume a certain number of activities (restaurants, gyms, casinos, cinemas …), on a voluntary basis, to implement the health permit … otherwise it will be an administrative closure;
  • The cycling federation is committed to respecting the health protocol; Contests may be held behind closed doors.

Lots of procedures that have to be in effect for two weeks. A date is set for September 29, for a new point.

The president of the university will soon talk about the development of the reception of children in the school.

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Tentatively, at the beginning of October, we can talk about disengagement (phase 2), if hospitals are requested at 100% of their usual capacity, if the infection rate is less than 75/100,000 people and if the positivity rate drops to less than 5%.

Then, if all goes well, it may relate to ‘Full release of activities“(Phase 3), when positivity and incidence rates are below alertness thresholds…probably by mid-October.

It is important to understand that we are a chain of protection and that the relaxation of some helps the spread of the epidemic, with dire consequences for the most vulnerable.

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