French stadium: Toulouse Clément Castets, the club’s future column, victim of torn cruciate ligaments

French stadium: Toulouse Clément Castets, the club’s future column, victim of torn cruciate ligaments

It’s a heavy blow to Toulouse, but also to the French stadium. Left column Clement Castets, who is set to join the Parisian club next season, was badly injured in the European Cup final that Roger and Noire won against La Rochelle (22-17) on Saturday in Twickenham. According to our information, examinations conducted by the medical staff at the Toulouse stadium revealed a tear in the cruciate ligaments of the right knee. An injury that usually requires at least six months to recover. Which would delay the debut of its new colors at the end of the year.

Coming onto the grass ten minutes into the match in place of Cyril Bale, the Blues’ left column and center-holder in Toulouse, Clement Castets remained on the ground after an attack led by half Maritimes, Taweira Kerr Barlow. Then, the former France U-20 captain had to leave the field after a minute, apparently limping but refused to climb onto a stretcher despite the pain.

Clément Castets is part of the wave of recruits announced by Stade Français, who are fighting to compete in the Top 14 Playoffs two days before the end of the regular season, two weeks before. The pillar will join Paris this summer, as will the New Zealand Triple Center Ngani Laumab (28), South African column Nevers Nemo Roelofsi (25), third row and Agen captain Roman Priat (28), and Central England or Carcassonne Wing Harry Glover (25) ). A wave of arrivals allowed Gaël Fickou to leave in Racing 92, formerly Stade Français’ hottest salary.

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