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Transparency report: Italy slightly less corrupt

Italia It is still a corrupt country. Although to a lesser extent than in the past. The efforts of the past decade have seen some Positive results. But this is still not enough. at least according to Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2021Corruption Perceptions Index Transparency International, which assigns each year a score for each of the 180 countries analyzed based on their level of perception of corruption. Secondly Delia Ferreira Rubiohead of the NGO, respect “human rights It is more desirable in the fight against corruption. Authoritarian models destroy independent checks and balances and make anti-corruption measures dependent on the whims of the elite.”

Daniel EricksonThe Director General of Transparency International stressed that “in authoritarian contexts where a few control government, business, and the media, social movement activism is the last resort to confront power.” In its report, the NGO urges governments to honor their commitments to fight corruption and respect human rights and calls on businesses to demand change. “It will be the influence of teachers, businessmen, students and ordinary people from all walks of life that will make the powerful take responsibility for their actions.”

Our country has passed 42 points in 2012 ai 56 current With a “big” improvement. Transparency International notes that Italy has benefited from the reforms, even if it remains among the countries with less brighter scores, and a reform of the rules for who has effective control over companies or trusts will be necessary. For the report, it is necessary to “urgently address legislative gaps in lobbying activities”. The NGO, which published the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2021, also warns that if governments continue to use a pandemic COVID-19 To undermine human rights and democracy, corruption can exacerbate at a faster rate. The organization is based in Berlin He denounced that “many countries have used the pandemic as a pretext to restrict basic freedoms and evade the system of checks and balances.”

In the ranking of the least corrupt countries, they are at the top Denmark, Finland and New Zealand. Transparency assigns a score to each of the 180 countries assessed based on their level of perception of corruption. The global average remains at 43 points for the 10th consecutive year, although two-thirds of countries have failed to make progress and 27 is the lowest in its history. Denmark, Finland and New Zealand lead the three with 88 points out of 100, while Somalia (13), Syria (13) H black sudanese (11) They still have the lowest index scores. Over the past decade, 154 countries have either experienced a deterioration in perception of corruption or have made no significant progress. Of particular concern is the situation in some areas such as Central Americawhere authoritarianism grows, for example Nicaragua or El Salvador. Since 2012, the index has fallen 23 countries, including some advanced economies, such as Australia (73), Canada (74) H United States of America (67), who for the first time are no longer among the top 25 in the rankings. Among the countries that significantly improved their scores, Estonia (74), Seychelles (70) or Armenia (49). In 2021, among the great powers, in addition to the United States, which maintained the same score as last year, was China It rose by 3 points, with a score of 45 against 42 previously, while Russia It drops from 30 to 29. The report shows that countries that infringe on civil liberties consistently score lower in the index.

The report denounced that “complacency in the fight against corruption leads to more serious violations of human rights and undermines democracy, leading to a vicious cycle.” The erosion of rights and freedoms and the weakening of democracy constitute fertile ground for the spread of authoritarianism, which contributes to an increase in corruption. Of the 23 countries that have significantly worsened their rankings in the past 10 years, 19 also lost points in terms of civil liberties. The NGO asserts that of the 331 murders of human rights defenders recorded in 2020, 98 per cent occurred in countries with fewer than 45. philippineswhich achieved a score of 33, and continued the decline that began in 2014 with the rise of power Rodrigo Duterte. until the Venezuela It scores its lowest score so far in this indicator, with a score of only 14 points, because Nicolas Maduro He silenced the opposition among his political opponents, journalists and even health workers.”

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