Free skating – the words of the counselor.  Raffaele Regazzoni: “As if I were attached to my father”

Free skating – the words of the counselor. Raffaele Regazzoni: “As if I were attached to my father”

They exchanged skis for a helmet and a microphone. Since then, these specialists continue to excite every ski enthusiast every winter by sharing their knowledge. That’s why Ski Chrono is launching the “Words of the Counselor” series. Rafael Regazzoni is the French authority on freestyle skiing. Being a former international judge, he will have you experience the free worlds on L’Équipe.

How long have you been a consultant and how were you appointed?

“It happened a bit by chance, I have been a judge for a long time in all the big freestyle competitions. I have been able to get a good technical base from these experiences. The first comments I was able to make are fifteen years ago on broadcast reposts After that, I was contacted by Ma Chaîne Sport, which was then bought by RMC Sport and by word of mouth, with Marie (Martenaud, another consultant) I reached L’Équipe. »

What motivates you in this role?

“I want to make the different disciplines of freestyle swimming better understood. In fact, it’s quite technical, with numbers and scoring systems… I always try to act as if I’m talking to my dad. It reminds me of the experience I had in Korea,” she commented on The Olympic Games are in English. It’s important for me to simplify things to get people to discover this sport, which is my passion and even my job through my acting company and the career development of high-level athletes. It’s a way for me to follow the athletes I work with, it pairs well.”

How did you get started on the microphone?

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“The first time was in English during the SFR Tour between Tignes, La Clusaz, Vars and Val Thorens, it seemed to me. It appealed to me immediately. I had no problem with the language since I’ve been touring for years on international circuits. It’s hard to comment in French.” Because there is too much Anglican translation and explanation.”

How do you prepare to comment?

“Even when I’m not commenting, I watch the different competitions. I notice the great results. But I mainly follow the developments of the athletes and the different techniques because that’s what’s important in my role. Not forgetting to keep abreast of the judgments, to better explain the different scores that are awarded. The journalist’s job is to replay the competition to life.”

What is your relationship with your journalist partner?

“We have to coordinate well. Then the ballet is the same regardless of the journalist. I work with two or three different people each season. Over the years we adapt more easily and everyone manages to find their place. Outside, we eat together, we appreciate each other.” Some. It is clear when listening if we do not hear each other. »

There is no “start system”

What is your relationship with competing athletes?

“In freestyle, basically, there is no really ‘star system’ mode. A girl like Perrine (Laffont) is very friendly, we have a very direct relationship. Compared to my job, I often meet athletes, and since I come from this environment, it’s easy to come back “The fact that you’re a consultant doesn’t change much. I’m not here to hunt buzz.”

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What are your best memories in the comments?

“They mainly come from the X Games, which are not necessarily broadcast in France. It was five years ago, the phenomenal performance of Henrique Harlot (bronze in the big air at the 2022 Olympics). He came back from filming and did not train specifically for this competition and there he decided to send five New jumps and he managed to land them and win the competition. It was brutal. I am also thinking of Antoine Adelis, with whom I also work. He struggled for a long time. Three years ago, he no longer had the financial means to pay for a plane ticket. We were able to help him and behind him he got his first podium Knowing the external context makes these offers stronger.”

What do you expect from these next worlds?

“Bakuriani (Georgia) is obviously not a classic, it’s even weird. I’m waiting to see if the infrastructure is up to standards and the weather is good. I wish Perrine Laffont success with her new form which will allow her to be in No. 2 on a regular basis. It will be It’s good to have a good skycross jump experience.I’m also looking forward to following Antoine and Tess (Ledio) in big parasailing and ramp style, not forgetting Timothy (Sevignon) the rising star.

Rafael Regazzoni in brief

Raphael Regazzoni, 39 years old, from Les Arcs – Port-Saint-Maurice (Savoie). Initially a freestyle skiing journalist, he wanted to invest more in the discipline and become a French reference. Thus he became an international judge for 10 years.

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He created his company Bug Visionaries to represent and develop the careers of top athletes in outdoor sports through image and project management. David Weisz, double Olympic champion in halfpipe skiing, Nico Porteous, the first New Zealander to win gold at a Winter Olympics, France’s Antoine Adelis and Timothy Svignon are among the 39 athletes tracked.

He has also developed events such as the High Five Festival.

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