“France’s weakness due to the fifth wave of Covid-19”
Chronicle – Frustrating hopes of ending the pandemic, the fifth wave will continue to put 2022 under the sign of Covid. However, states and societies are better equipped than they were in 2020 to face it.
In terms of health, the Global Monitoring Network has enabled early detection of the new Omicron variant. Astonishing advances in science offer effective vaccines against severe forms and early treatments, including molnopiravir from Merck and Baxilovide from Pfizer. From the economic and social point of view, resilience has clearly improved and the continuity of national life has been better ensured. Countries can revitalize aid measures by targeting them precisely to the sectors most affected. Businesses and families now know how to produce and consume in the context of strict health measures. The decline in activity compared to 2019, which reached nearly 20% in the OECD during the first period, is now limited to 2.8%.
But the longevity of the epidemic has also generated new risks. Sanitary measures and vaccination do not achieve herd immunity and are met with resistance

“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”