France / Canada (TV / Streaming) On which channel to follow the Rugby World Cup match?

France / Canada (TV / Streaming) On which channel to follow the Rugby World Cup match?

France is close to reaching its first world final. Despite the defeat, the French team won a bronze medal against Canada on Saturday, November 12. On any channel and at any time to follow the meeting!

On which TV channel to watch the France/Canada encounter?

📺 Go live on Saturday 12th November to follow up on the meeting France / Canada lives in 04h30 on TF1.

To bring the latest World Cup matches to life, TF1 relies on three teams of commentators:

🎙️ Francois Trillosports journalist and former French rugby union player and Laura de Museobusiness director, former 1/2 in international opening and 2016 French champion with Lille.
🎙️ Fanny LechesterRadio France journalist Wianna Rivolin who has 50 picks with 15th from France and 2016 France Champion.
🎙️ Remy messagesports journalist specializing in women’s rugby
🎙️ will accompany them Ines Hirigoyena special correspondent for TF1 in New Zealand as a journalist on the field and will be interviewing the players.

how to watch France and Canada matchnot streaming?

💻 You can also follow this meeting in the broadcast. In fact, using your smartphone, tablet or PC, you can watch the match on the site My TF1.

Watch on TF1

Presentation of the meeting France / Canada

Many regret having come close to this achievement. Despite the excellent start and The penalty for winning is one minute from the end, And the New Zealand team (25-24) was defeated last Saturday in Auckland in the World Cup semi-finals. They will play for third place in the competition next Saturday against Canada.

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Thomas Darrac (coach-coach) “We had a great game. The girls really did everything that was expected of them. They took a risk. We defended very well. We knew the Black Ferns were a very dangerous team that tried to knock us out of rhythm. It’s very frustrating because there was room. I did. The girls are a lot. These are games that are played for free and it is very sad for this team.”

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