Football.  Changing the name of the World Cup to the Jonah Lomo Cup?  The idea found its way to the foreign press…

Football. Changing the name of the World Cup to the Jonah Lomo Cup? The idea found its way to the foreign press…

Goodbye, William, and hello, Jonah. Thanks for the article by rugby lane Published at the end of April, Thoughts from New Zealand reach our ears. Thus, some figures in Oceania and Anglo-Saxon rugby put forward the idea of ​​changing the trophy title raised by the winners of the World Cup every 4 years. Among the names proposed for the embodiment of this powerful symbol of modern rugby is the Jonah symbol lomo was mentioned. While he should have celebrated his 48th birthday this Friday, May 12, here are the motivations that have led some to support this tribute to a giant.Aotearoa.

video.  Lomu, record attendance... That day in 2000 the Wallabies and the All Blacks made the game of the centuryvideo. Lomu, record attendance… That day in 2000 the Wallabies and the All Blacks made the game of the century

William web Ellis, an invention to make the English bourgeoisie dream?

In fact, Columnist and Journalist Jimmy wall would be, according to rugby lanesuggested changing the name of William Trophy web Ellis. The legend of the English student taking the football by the hand has often been questioned. If it shares the legend of the Great Oval, its supposed strange nature may cast doubt on the significance of such a tribute. At the same time, the oval ball has created many iconic identities and personalities, although the collective aspect remained inevitable.

Furthermore, the journalist may also imply that the values ​​of rugby would have changed between William’s time web Ellis, Creating the Rugby World Cup and Our Contemporary Mindsets. In particular, he explains, the target audience for the sport has grown, but it has also liberated itself from the confines of the amateur world:Gentlemen of the nineteenth century needed a way to distinguish their sport from their other sports, and the fact that rugby originated in the school of the English gentry linked it forever to the idea of ​​amateurism and the idea that it should be run by a bourgeois class attending the sport. schools. However, this identity no longer exists and rugby has remained professional for some thirty years.

World Cup: The Webb Ellis Cup atop Mount Fuji...3776m above sea level!World Cup: The Webb Ellis Cup atop Mount Fuji…3776m above sea level!

But then why Greece lomo ?

In this search for respect for the memory of rugby, it was necessary to find a character who would embody the ‘new rugby’. Additionally, columnist Adam Julian rugby laneAnd Suggest a specific player name: Younes lomo. Although wing everyone Black never knew a world title, and his fame and influence on rugby were immeasurable.

In particular, it states that “His devastating power and blistering speed captured the imagination of the world and made rugby known like never before. According to the journalist:Rugby’s evolution towards professionalism would have lacked momentum had it not been for the amazing influence of Jonah. He also describes his experience where the Englishman beat Mike cat in the semi-finals of the 1995 World Cup.It is arguably the most iconic moment in World Cup history.

In addition, the New Zealand author also explains that the name is Sir Johnny Wilkinson It can appear on the cup. According to him, the influence of the half-fly of England in Europe was similar to that of Jonah lomo In the world. He concludes his argument with the following sentence: lomo And Wilkinson. Deux champions aux couleurs de peau différentes, issus des deux hémisphères, reconnus instantanément for leur contribution exceptionnelle à l’histoire de la Coupe du monde, voilà qui a plus de poids et de pertinence qu’un conte de fees d’écolier vieux de 200 years.

Today, the legend Jonah Lomo was set to celebrate his 45th birthdayToday, the legend Jonah Lomo was set to celebrate his 45th birthday

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