Flexible Workspace: Key Benefits and Tips

Flexible Workspace: Key Benefits and Tips

MLess time wasted in relocation, more productivity, better work-life balance, broader employment prospects…the assets are lacking. However, switching from the classic schedule to the mixed schedule requires some adjustments. Do you still need such large offices? Is it easy for your teammates to find a workstation that meets their needs? Do you offer different types of spaces within your business premises? The way we work is changing, so let’s find out together how our work environment can adapt to these changes.

What is a flexible workspace?

Flexibility at work: developing a more flexible way of working

Employees have been calling for more flexibility at work for several years now. The health crisis linked to Covid-19 has given impetus to this desire. The commitment to working from home for several weeks, or even months, allowed an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely.

Certainly, working from home has many advantages such as avoiding transportation, focusing better, increasing productivity, etc. However, working remotely can also lead to feelings of isolation or loss Connection To his colleagues and the company.

The solution ? A combination of these two approaches, in other words, the hybrid work. Having established the rules to be respected with regard to this mode of operation (number of days on site per week, Flexible working hours etc.), employees can then organize their schedule more flexibly.

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Flexible workspace: much more than a professional environment

This new way of working, more modern and adapted to the needs of employees, includes changes in the use of workspaces. With the mixed schedule, the occupancy rate in your offices goes down. Providing each employee with a dedicated workstation becomes a waste of space and money. Then the concept of “flexible desk”, also called “without a fixed desk”, takes on its full meaning.

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Moreover, with the development of hybrid work, the role of the office is changing. It has become a meeting and sharing place for employees who are now collaborating mainly remotely. Your teams tend to prefer days on site to organize their meetings or work on joint projects. Thus, collaborative workspaces are popular and more closely aligned with their needs.

What are the advantages of Flex Desk?

An up-to-date response to your employees’ expectations

Going to work Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm isn’t the de facto norm anymore since COVID-19 passed. In addition, we all work in different ways, which is a point that must be taken into account in order to increase the welfare and performance of your employees.
Some people motivate themselves by being surrounded by their colleagues, while others need a secluded place to focus and be effective. The nature of the tasks to be performed also plays a role in the choice of work environment. In this case, a collaboration space is best suited for individuals working on projects as a team.

Modern workers love the flexibility of being able to work from home or from a coffee shop, but they also express the need to bond with their colleagues and not get caught up in a rut. Taking these aspects into consideration is essential to meet their expectations and thus increase retention and attract talent.

A solution to reduce your costs and environmental impact

An increasing number of people are trying to reduce their environmental impact, even at work. So sustainability in the office has become an essential topic for companies that want to remain attractive and fulfilling today’s needs.

Hybrid work not only helps address this problem, but it also reduces some costs. Remote working significantly enhances the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions associated with transportation and makes it possible to optimize workspaces. This gives you the ability to re-size your buildings while reducing their energy consumption.

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Inspirational and motivating work environment

One of the reasons many people want to decide where to set up their computers is the ability to choose where they feel comfortable. Creating a flexible workspace in your company gives your employees the possibility to have this choice within your workplace. For example, they can work alone in an isolated room in the morning, and sit in a collaborative space with their team in the afternoon. Some may prefer to use the tables in the dining hall for a ‘cafe’ style atmosphere. A flexible office provides them with a work environment that adapts to their needs and helps them be more efficient, creative and productive.

How do you effectively manage a mixed workspace?

Ask the opinion of your collaborators

To develop a hybrid workspace that meets the expectations of your employees, it is essential to know them. You can, of course, take inspiration from other companies that are known for their employee experience-centric approach, such as Google for example. However, your employees may have a different view of a fun and stimulating work environment. The best solution is to discuss it with them and together think about the best way to create a flexible office that meets their needs. Sending out surveys is also an effective solution to find out what your employees want.

Reorganize your buildings for better improvement

Once you’ve collected your employees’ opinions and analyzed the data, it’s time to tidy up your workspace. Have you noticed that only half of the individual workstations are used, but your employees often stay to work on sofas in your comfort zones? They might feel better and be more productive in this environment, so why not create more of these spaces? Do they primarily work on group projects when they come to the office? Keeping workstations for each of your teammates when they are not using them is a financial loss (fixed computers, unused space, etc.). For example, you can remove a portion of individual offices and turn restored surfaces into collaboration spaces.

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Make it easy to manage your flexible workspace with customized tools

By reinventing the ergonomics to the standards of a hybrid business model, there are no more dedicated workstations. So how do you make sure that every employee finds a place to work when they go to the site? How do you avoid scheduling conflicts? Reserving offices or workspaces, also called “hot desks,” solves this problem. With our flexible workspace management app, you can book your workstation, meeting room and even the parking spot of your choice with just a few clicks! The reservation system is far from being the only advantage of this technological tool. It also helps you optimize your workplace thanks to the data collected and allows your employees to plan their own blended schedule.

The flexible office was born in the 1990s, and is now experiencing its hour of glory with the expanding health crisis and the change in our working methods. Our work environment becomes more flexible and mixed work responds to the requirements of modern employees. Besides the financial aspect, a flexible workspace enhances employee satisfaction, improves their performance, and increases the level of corporate retention and attraction. Do you want to improve your work environment and provide more flexibility to your employees?

Book a demo at deskbird.com and experience the benefits of a modern and easy-to-use office reservation system

By Paulyne Sombret (deskbird), translation by Callie Jensen

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