Flavors and crafts, at Espace Villars in Moulins (Allier), every Saturday and Sunday

Flavors and crafts, at Espace Villars in Moulins (Allier), every Saturday and Sunday

Last year, Chantal Caciopoli managed to do all her Christmas shopping in two days of the Saveurs et Artisanat fair at Espace Villars in Moulins. The secretary of the association organizing the event (La Madeleine Moulins Rive Gauche) intends to renew this weekend. And she will have a choice: about fifty exhibitors from all over France will have a stand. Whether handicrafts or food trade.

Spirulina, cheeses, charcuterie…

One word: quality. With Lillian Iero, president of the association, she has been selecting the best models since 2011. “Everyone should be on the level,” says the president.
In this eleventh edition, in addition to the regular products (ironwork by Philippe Pratt, Fort de la Maldene bakery, etc.), there will be several new features: an oyster merchant, or even a handmade fruit maker.
There will be three cheese makers, specializing respectively in goat cheese, Auvergne cheese and Basque cheese.

“The important thing is that there is only one craftsman for each type of product, so that they do not compete with each other.”

You can find a spirulina stand, or a Bourbonnais stand from L’Autrement Charcuterie, which created a stir with black pudding last year.

Straw pendants

Liliane Iraud also spells out the list of things to buy and give: decorations, donkey milk cosmetics, amber jewelry, Thiers knives … “There will also be Dominique Pinezza, a straw marquetry specialist, who exhibits his work all over the world and works for great couturiers such as Dior or Chanel. She will present small straw necklaces.
After several difficult editions of the show (one was cancelled, one during the yellow vests, the other with health cards), the association hopes to attract 4,000 people, this Saturday 19 November and Sunday 20 November.

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Complaint after tearing off the stickers

Liliane Erode and Chantal Caciopoli regret the theft of billboards that the association has placed in several places on the surrounding roads to indicate the way to the parade. A complaint was filed Tuesday afternoon to highlight what they consider to be “vandalism”.

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Good mood, cakes and cross stitch: Neuvy models return to the Flavors and Crafts fair at Moulins (Allier)

free entry. At Espace Villars in Moulins on Saturdays 10am-7pm and Sundays 10am-6pm.

Eric Anoud

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