Flash – New Zealand, male athlete named ‘Athlete of the Year’

Flash – New Zealand, male athlete named ‘Athlete of the Year’

On September 28, 2021, the University of Otago and the Otago College Student Association (OUSA) honored weightlifter, Laurel Hubbard, as “Athlete of the Year” at the 2021 Blues and Gold Awards.

The award comes on the heels of Hubbard’s controversial qualification in the women’s weightlifting division at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Hubbard’s inclusion in the women’s class initially ruled out Quinini Manumua, until a public outcry led to the International Weightlifting Federation’s inclusion in the Olympic group.

The university ‘Athlete of the Year’ award was awarded to Hubbard shortly before the publication of the report ‘Guidelines for the Integration of Transgender People in Domestic Sport’ by the UK Sports Council Group (SCEG), which highlighted that sports federations should choose between equity (and dependence on sport and safety) for women or the inclusion of male athletes in women’s sports, where equality and inclusion cannot exist at the same time.

Unfortunately, this kind of injustice is becoming more and more common in all countries that have decided to introduce transgender ideology and the principle of self-identification of gender into their legal system.

Source: women are human

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