Final Fantasy 16: Don’t underestimate Chocobo Clive, he’s more important than you think!

Final Fantasy 16: Don’t underestimate Chocobo Clive, he’s more important than you think!

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Warning, this article will contain FF16 story spoilers!

output Final Fantasy XVI It was a hit for many fans of the license, and even more so for fans of history and cinematics. Adopting more dynamic gameplay, this new opus attempts a new direction for the series. A big shift towards games that are more accessible to gamers who don’t like old RPGs.

However, this new numbered title continues to stick to the core tenets of the series such as moguls, primitive the Crystal, But above all, always companions: Chocobos.

Among these Chocobos, one of them could be more important than we think, at least from the point of view of the meaning of his name. Some fans of the story who love to dig in have been looking too far. One theory might say so Clive’s Chocobo name is directly linked to the lore of the game !

Ambrosia, is Clive’s Chocobo keeping a secret in Final Fantasy XVI?

In Final Fantasy XVI lore, and without going into too much detail, Clive is an obvious target for climax, Who seeks to take possession of it at any cost in addition to the ether of the world to carry out his plan.

A god who thus seeks to feed a character in the game with the goal of remaking the world in his image. This is where Clive’s Chocobo name comes in. And indeed, the feathered companion is named Ambrosia. The delicacy that in Greek mythology is the food of the gods. Likewise, stories Homer The name of the blue sky and its divine wind ether. A fresh reminder of the famous meal, Ultima a deity ?

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This theory is obviously far fetched, but it once again shows the investment some fans have in the game’s history, and the connections to the real world. administered by Yoshi F, It wouldn’t be impossible for the game to go this far. It’s up to you to see if you think Clive’s companion name could go that far and if this theory is true!

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